In Spanish, there are many words that contain the vowels A, E, O and U before the consonant F, but only one with the I. For example: afecto, eficaz, Ifigenia, ofrenda, Phewyear.
Although there are few words that contain a vowel followed by the F in the same syllable (for example: naf - ta), there are many that contain these sequences but in different syllables (for example: a - fi - cio - na - two).
afan | efecto | oficiar |
afear | efact | oficina |
afeite | efemeris | oficinist |
afijo | eficaz | ofreluctant |
afilar | efscience | ofpray |
afín | eficient | ofrenda |
afirmatively | efnumber | oftalmology |
afpraise | efusivity | oftalmologist |
afluxury | Ifigenia | ofuscar |
aflucky | ofender | Phew |
Afdelicious | ofension | Phewto |
africh | ofensivo | Phewanamente |
afroamerican | oferta | Phewanar |
afrhodisiac | oficial | Phewaneza |
afhang around | oficialism | Phewania |
efectivity | oficialization | Phewyear |
efeffective | oficially | Phewology |
afloved | afiche | aflojar |
afAsia | afilar | afionic |
afecto | affirming | Afrhodite |
afinaction | afbound | afoutside |
efeffective | efemeris | efnumber |
efecto | eficaz | efusivity |
efact | eficient | efusive |
Ifigenia |
Ofelia | oferta | ofpray |
ofender | oficial | ofrenda |
ofension | oficiar | oftalmology |
ofensivo | oficina | ofuscar |
Phew | boast | Phewyear |
Phewto | Phewaneza | Phewor |
Phewanamente | Phewania | Phewology |
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