15 Appellate Text Examples
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Appellate Text
The appellative texts they are the ones who try to persuade the reader. Its objective is to convince and achieve an action on the part of the receiver.
Appellate texts are usually found in instructive, advertisements, classified ads, applications, slogans, letters from readers and speeches. Although in these texts the appellate function language, you can also use other functions such as the referential wave phatic.
It can serve you:
To achieve their objective, appellative texts use various resources:
Appellate text examples
- Reduce belly fat by eliminating two key foods from your diet.
- It is time to have clear answers. It is a present issue in our society, and it seems to grow without any restraint.
- Let's not lose hope in the future. Of course, let's work every day, to try to make it the best possible.
- Officials, do not comment on this stupidity.
- Think different.
- Eliminating this practice because of the dangers it contains is like suspending skydiving because some parachutes do not open.
- Say yes to life, no to drugs.
- You can be the next queen. Encourage to participate.
- Vote for the party that represents you. Vote smart change.
- Choose lower-fat cuts of meat, as this preparation includes various fatty substances.
- This season you can try bolder colors.
- To optimize your study time, don't try to memorize phrases literally. Look for logical relationships between the different data.
- In addition to the resume, the interviewer will observe different aspects of you. Maintaining a friendly but discreet treatment facilitates the approach.
- Your country needs you. Join the armed forces.
- With the onset of heat, choosing bars with terraces is the best option.
Text characteristics
The texts have a communicative intention. This intention acquires a specific meaning in the context in which it is written and read. Therefore, to understand the meaning of a text we must know its context.
The characteristics of a text are:
See also: