100 Examples of Nouns in English (noun)
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
English nouns
A noun it is a kind of word. The referent of a word is what it refers to, that is, what we want to refer to when we say that word. Nouns are words whose referent is fixed entities ("house" "mirror").
On EnglishUnlike Spanish, nouns have no gender. In other words, they are neither feminine nor masculine. For example, in Spanish “casa” is a feminine noun (“the yellow house") And camino is a masculine noun ("the yellow road“). Therefore, the articles and adjectives they are modified for each case. In English, this does not happen:
The yellow house.
The yellow road.
Note that in both sentences the only thing that changed was the noun.
The English nouns they do have numbers, that is, they can be singular or plural.
House: house
Houses: houses
Noun in English is said: noun.
In the same way that it happens in Spanish, the same noun can have several meanings. For example, "ball”Means ball and dance.
Examples of nouns in English (nouns)
Absence: absence | Language: language, language |
Achievement: achievement | Law: law |
Acrobat: acrobat | Letter: letter, letter |
Address: address | Level: level |
Advice: advice | Lie: lie |
Age: age, was | Life: life |
Air: air | Light: light |
Airplane: airplane | Line: line |
Animal: animal | List: list |
Answer: answer | Love: love |
Antonym: antonym | Lunch: lunch |
Apple: apple | Machinery: machinery |
Art: art | Man: man |
Attitude: attitude | Map: map |
Autumn: fall | Meat: meat |
Baby: baby | Meeting: meeting, meeting |
Back: back | Milk: milk |
Ball: ball, dance | Mind: mind |
Bank: bank | Mint: mint |
Bathroom: bathroom | Minute: minute |
Bathtub: bathtub | Money: money |
Bed: bed | Monkey: monkey |
Bell: bell, chime | Month: month |
Belt: belt | Moon: moon |
Bicycle: bicycle | Mother: mother |
Bird: bird | Mouse: mouse |
Blanket: blanket, blanket | Mouth: mouth |
Blood: blood | Movie: movie (informal) |
Bodysuit: body | Music: music |
Bone: bone | Napkin: napkin |
Book: book | Nation: nation |
Box: box | Neighbor: neighbor, neighbor |
Boy: boy | News (always plural): news |
Bread: bread | Newspaper: newspaper, newspaper |
Brightness: brightness | Night: night |
Brother: brother | Nose: nose |
Brush: brush | Note: note |
Building: building | Notebook: notebook |
Bus: bus | Number: number |
Business: business | Object: object |
Butter: butter, butter | Ocean: ocean |
Call: call | Office: office |
Car: auto, car | Opening: opening, crack, vacant |
Carpet: carpet | Opportunity: opportunity |
Cat: cat | Page: page |
Cent: penny | Pain: pain |
Century: century | Paper: paper |
Chair: chair | Park: park |
Church: church | Fiesta Party |
Circle: circle | Past: past |
City: city | Pen: pen, ballpoint pen |
Class: class | People: people |
Clothes: clothes | Person: person |
Cloud: cloud | Pet: pet |
Coal: carbon | Phone: phone |
Color (UK color): color | Picture: photography, painting |
Company: company | President: president |
Computer: computer | Problem: problem |
Conversation: conversation | Product: product |
Copy: copy | Property: property |
Corn: corn | Question: question |
Cotton: cotton | Race: race, race |
Country: country, field | Radio: radio |
Cow: cow | Rain: rain |
Crowd: crowd | Ring: ring |
Cup: cup | River: river |
Damage: damage | Road: route, highway, path |
Darkness: darkness | Rock: rock |
Daughter: daughter | Roof: roof |
Day: day | Room: bedroom, living room |
Decoration: decoration | Rule: rule |
Desk: desk | Salt: salt |
Diamond: diamond | Sand: sand |
Dictionary: dictionary | School: school |
Dinner: dinner | Screen: screen |
Disc: disc | Sea: sea |
Distance: distance | Seal: seal, seal |
Doctor Doctor | Seat: seat |
Dog: dog | Second: second |
Dollar: dollar | Sentence: sentence, sentence |
Door: door | Ship: boat |
Dress: dress | Shoe: shoe |
Ear: ear | Shore: shore |
Earth: earth | Shower: shower |
Egg: egg | Side: side |
Electricity: electricity | Sign: sign, signal |
Energy: energy | Sister: sister |
Example: example | Size: size |
Eye: eye | Skin: skin |
Face: face | Sky: sky |
Fall: fall, autumn | Snow: snow |
Father: father | Soap: soap |
Film: film, film | Sock: stocking, sock |
Floor: floor | Soldier: soldier |
Flour: flour | They are: son |
Flower: flower | Sound: sound |
Folder: folder | Spoon: spoon |
Food: food | Spring: spring |
Fork: fork | Star: star |
Friend: friend, friend | State: state |
Future: future | Stocking: sock |
Game: game | Store: store |
Garden: garden | Street: street |
Gasoline: fuel, gasoline | Student: student |
Gift: gift | Subject: subject, subject (grammar) |
Girl: girl | Sugar: sugar |
Glass: glass, glass | Summer: summer |
Glasses: glasses, glasses | Sun: sun |
Gold: gold | Table: table |
Government: government | Tank: tank, tank, fish tank |
Grandfather: grandfather | objective |
Grandmother: grandmother | Teacher: teacher, teacher |
Ground: ground, ground, ground | Team: team |
Group: group | Telephone: telephone |
Guitar: guitar | Tent: tent, tent |
Hair: hair | Test: test, exam |
Hand: hand | Therapy: therapy, treatment |
Hat: hat | Thing: thing |
Head: head | Tile: tile |
Heart: heart | Time: time |
Heat: heat | Tomato: tomato |
Hero: hero | Torch: flashlight, torch |
Hole: hole, hole | Towel: towel |
Home: home | Town: town |
Horse: horse | Turkey: turkey |
Hour: hour | Umbrella: umbrella |
House: house | Utensil: utensil |
Human: human | Urgency: urgency |
Humanity: humanity | village: town |
Husband: husband, husband | visitor: visitor |
Ice: ice | Wall: wall |
Idea: idea | War: war |
Inch: inch | Water: water |
Industry: industry | Way: path, direction |
Information: information | Weather: weather |
Injury: injury | Weight: weight |
Insect: insect | Widow: widow |
Interest: interest | Wife: wife |
Iron: iron, iron | Wind: wind |
Island: island | Window: window |
Job: work | Winter: winter |
Justice: justice | Woman: woman |
Key: key | Word: word |
Keyboard: keyboard | World: world |
Kitchen: kitchen | Year: year |
Kite: kite, kite | Zebra: zebra |
Knife: knife | Zero: zero |
Lake: lake | Zipper: zipper, closure |
Lamp: lamp | Zoo: zoo |
Land: land | Zoology: zoology |
Can serve you
Andrea is a language teacher, and in her instagram account She offers private lessons by video call so you can learn to speak English.