There are numerous nouns that end with suffixes–Tion or –sion. Although there is no rule that can be used in all cases, to know if we should use the C or the S, we can infer it by the way the words are written. family:
Many nouns ending in -ion and -sion derive from verbs. If they derive from verbs ending in -ar, the noun ends in –tion. For example: adoretion (to adore)
If the noun does not have the syllable "sa", it ends in -sion. For example: priceZion (to specify)
If the noun has the syllable "sa", it ends in -ción. For example: accusestion (to accuse)
If you don't miss the D or T, end in -tion. For example: medition (measure)
If you lose the D or the T, it ends in -sion. For example: remiZion (refer)
absorbtion | embarkstion | endurestion |
accentuatestion | funtion | piercetion |
accepttion | imitatestion | disturbstion |
you accepttion | imposition | petition |
clarifiestion | bowstion | populatetion |
limitstion | indiscretiontion | potion |
accumulatetion | freestion | fortion |
accusestion | tendertion | position |
adaptstion | limitstion | worriestion |
byetion | locatetion | preposition |
guesstion | ittion | prescribedtion |
admirestion | cursedtion | presentstion |
it affectstion | cursedtion | preservetion |
afition | malformationtion | profanetion |
affiliatetion | malnutrition | professionalizestion |
refinestion | manipulatestion | prohibitedtion |
ambiencetion | manufacturetion | extensiontion |
animation | maintaintion | proscribedtion |
asuntion | machinetion | protection |
tempertion | halftion | puntion |
blessedtion | medition | scoretion |
forktion | memorizetion | purifiestion |
caricaturestion | mention | rottion |
celebratestion | migratestion | ration |
appointmenttion | miniaturizestion | revolutiontion |
computetion | motivatestion | furytion |
conception | mobilizetion | sainttion |
conceptualizestion | munition | satisfytion |
raises awarenesstion | murmurstion | segmenttion |
confectiontion | mutatestion | segregatestion |
conglomeratetion | nation | locatestion |
congratulatetion | nationalizetion | ultracorrection |
conjugatestion | creamtion | usestion |
jointtion | deniestion | cowtion |
shockedtion | negotiatetion | valuestion |
keep goingtion | normativetion | it variestion |
criminalizestion | notifytion | scalloption |
declarestion | nutrition | ventilatetion |
discretion | objectiontion | checktion |
edition | option | vibratetion |
removetion | Operation | vocation |
openZion | ecloZion | poseZion |
adheZion | efuZion | priceZion |
aluZion | emulZion | prenZion |
animadverZion | eroZion | preZion |
apprehendZion | expandZion | pretendZion |
learnZion | exploZion | anticipatedZion |
ascendZion | ejectedZion | proceedZion |
asperZion | extendZion | ProfZion |
self-propelledZion | extorZion | profuZion |
Let's seeZion | extraverZion | promiZion |
avulZion | extroverZion | propenZion |
circumciseZion | extruZion | propelZion |
coluZion | fiZion | proviZion |
ateZion | hypertenZion | pulZion |
buyZion | hypothesizeZion | I broadcastZion |
compulZion | IluZion | readmiZion |
conceZion | imploZion | prayZion |
conciZion | impreciZion | come backZion |
concludeZion | imprintZion | reprintZion |
concuZion | inciZion | reinvestZion |
with faithZion | includeZion | remiZion |
contourZion | incurZion | repercussionZion |
counterpreZion | indeciZion | they rebukeZion |
converZion | helplessZion | rebukeZion |
convulsedZion | infuZion | retrogreZion |
I runZion | immerZion | retropropZion |
cosmoviZion | in myZion | retropulZion |
defendZion | insumiZion | retroverZion |
descendedZion | introverZion | reviewZion |
disjointedZion | intruZion | reviZion |
disappointZion | inverZion | I knowZion |
deterZion | irriZion | subverZion |
detorZion | youZion | I supervisedZion |
digreZion | manZion | supremeZion |
tell meZion | meZion | suspendZion |
dimiZion | gooseZion | televisionZion |
I discussedZion | westZion | haveZion |
designZion | occludeZion | torZion |
deterZion | offendZion | transfuZion |
diviZion | opreZion | transmittedZion |
depreZion | paZion | watchZion |