Example of Qualifying Adjectives
Spanish Classes / / July 04, 2021
Qualifying adjectives are those that describe (rate) what nouns are, do, or have. They receive this name because qualify the subject giving extra information about it.
It is very simple, when we add a word that speaks about a specific characteristic of the subject, we are faced with a qualifying adjective.
So when we say "the pink wall"We know that we are not talking about just any wall, since we are talking about the wall that is pink," pink "is the qualifying adjective.
50 examples of qualifying adjectives:
1. high
2. under
3. old
4. new
5. blue
6. small
7. old
8. yellow
9. ugly
10. beautiful
11. fat
12. thin
13. rose
14. green
15. strong
16. weak
17. sober
18. thin
19. gross
20. subtle
21. guy
22. big
23. marvelous
24. extraordinary
25. old
26. new
27. red
28. elongate
29. noisy
30. Lasted
31. furry
32. woolly
33. fast
34. slow
35. coffee
36. White
37. brown
38. Orange
39. fluorescent
40. shocked
41. horrible
42. cold
43. hot
44. giant
45. medium
46. purple
47. black
48. blaugrana
49. long
50. short
100 examples of sentences with qualifying adjectives:
Adjectives are highlighted in bold for better understanding.
- Lawyer young He is very intelligent.
- The actor famous will make a movie.
- The car old helps to transport still.
- The plane outdated It works well.
- The bank new does not charge me interest.
- The librarian fat work hard.
- The pen Orange it's new.
- The brush gentle I use it for clothes.
- The brush old it does not work anymore.
- Car blue it's mine.
- Car black must be washed.
- The nail clipper rusty is on the table.
- The notebook broken had the data.
- Picture old it broke.
- The knife small is for cutting vegetables.
- The course Quick of English is on discs.
- Mirror broken that you left.
- The fuse new burned fast.
- The thread purple is on the table.
- The man old sleeps a lot.
- The bookseller big he is the one who explains everything.
- The book blue is on the table.
- Teacher hoary teaches French.
- The monitor new looks great.
- The boy smiling study here.
- The newscast night it is short and concise.
- The pants blue it's ripped.
- The cake of cream it's delicious.
- The glue yellow it is toxic.
- The device small new works better.
- The watch digital Don José works like new.
- The mouse Gray ran into the house.
- The watch old rang the midnight chimes.
- The Lord high is the one who works here.
- Sound strong hurts.
- Sound gentle does not hurt.
- The phone Gray it is broken.
- The earthquake oscillatory caused little damage.
- The type mad did not want to study.
- The job hard it's always my turn
- The tractor giant It is the one that you will use.
- The train big he whistled in front of my house.
- At the hospital new, there are all the services.
- Maria's golden hair is beautiful.
- The thin Rosita's silhouette.
- That girl pretty she studies.
- Write your book new by hand.
- That book coffee she is to study Spanish.
- That book Red it is interesting.
- Study biology human for this exam.
- The needle used it broke.
- The sidewalk new It's finished.
- Shirt black it is silk.
- Wallet broken it's new.
- Home big it is repaired.
- Dinner hot is served.
- Tape black it is rolled up in clothes.
- Food cold is for tomorrow.
- Computer White Work better.
- Computer little girl it's from Jorge.
- Computer black it is the fastest.
- Account quick it is poorly done.
- Raincoat coffee it already broke.
- The cat brown had kittens.
- The lamp silvery it's in my room.
- The advanced lesson was difficult.
- The light red marked a halt total. (red qualifies light and total qualifies high)
- The memory blue has more capacity.
- Music classical it has a nice tone.
- Pasta thermal must be placed in the appliance.
- The pear girl she raised her cubs.
- The pen fountain Daddy's is in her sack.
- The pen fountain is new.
- Mrs thin goes to the market.
- Cup black do you have coffee.
- Television White it is high definition.
- Television little It's mine.
- Cow Pinta gave a lot of milk.
- Window White upstairs overlooks the patio.
- The old woman road still works fine.
- Curtains dirty of the house.
- The plants green are watered.
- They asked for wood new to fix the chair.
- Eyeglasses golden they are the most expensive.
- Eyeglasses blacks They are from Francisco.
- The books schoolchildren they are lined.
- The numbers arabic everyone uses them.
- My home old woman it is noisy.
- My brother Handsome He works all day.
- His biography initial it will be small.
- His guitar black He plays very melodic.
- His guitar old woman sounds better.
- His tape player black works fine.
- His shoes coffees they look better with the suit beige. (coffee is an adjective of shoes and beige suit)
- Your house new is very large.
- Your book blue has the notes.
- Your watch Swiss is strung.
- One day lost the one we had today.
- A judgment civil solves everything.
- The hair silky by Verónica.
Other types of adjectives:
- Adjectives
- Demonstrative adjectives
- Explanatory adjectives
- Gentile adjectives
- Undefined adjectives
- Numeral adjectives
- Partitive adjectives
- Possessive adjectives
- Pronominal adjectives
- Substantiated adjectives