The conclusive connectors They are links that are used to finalize and simplify the subject at hand. For example: By way of closingWe know that we have a long challenge to face.
They are usually used at the conclusion or in the last paragraph of a text and they usually introduce sentences that contain great information since they synthesize what was said above.
The connectors They are the words or expressions that allow us to indicate a relationship between two sentences or statements. The use of connectors favors the reading and comprehension of texts since they provide coherence and cohesion.
Some conclusive connectors are:
by way of closing | in conclusion | soon |
So | in consecuense | to close the idea |
as a result | in a nutshell | In conclusion |
consequently | In summary | to end |
hence | in short words | therefore |
of this it is necessary to say | in summary | thus |
from which it is concluded that | in sum | Thus |
from which it follows that | then | it follows that |
See more at:
Order connectors | Time connectors |
Purpose connectors | Conditional connectors |
Consequence connectors | Sequence connectors |
Expansion connectors | Temporary connectors |
Contrast connectors | Disjunctive connectors |
Comparative connectors | Distributive connectors |
Emphasis connectors | Conclusive connectors |
Explanation connectors | Add-on connectors |
Opposing connectors | Consecutive connectors |
Summary connectors | Spatial connectors |