100 Examples of Bimembres Prayers
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Bimembres Prayers
The sentences bimembres are those that are composed of the two main parts of the sentence: the subject and the predicate. The subject represents the person who carries out the action, and the predicate represents the action. For example. Cristina (subject) got married. (predicate)
Bimembre sentences are the most used both in written and oral form.
Each of these phrases has a core, which is the most important element, and different modifiers and elements of prayer.
The two-member sentences can have the visible subject, or have a tacit subject that is not seen but is understood by the context. For example: I've arrived late. (Unspoken subject: me). It is a bimembre sentence since it has a subject (me) and a predicate (I've arrived late)
The opposite of bimembre sentences are single sentences: those composed only of one of the two members. For example: Bravo! / Many people.
Types of bimembres sentences
Examples of bimembre a-verb sentences
- Brad Pitt, awarded by the academy.
- Quick and delicious meals, in a few minutes.
- Anti-wrinkle cream, night use.
- Cure Against Cancer, An Incredible Advancement In Science.
- The bolero singer, threatened by a fan.
- The team won again, near the end.
- The famous film actor, awarded again.
- The government, criticized for its actions.
- The united workers' party, a failure at the polls.
- Saturday's game, a complete failure.
- The puma, in danger of extinction.
- The king of pop, the most coveted in the world.
- In minutes, the grand finale.
- Fire in Caracas, evacuees in danger of losing their homes.
- They will go to war again, the endless religious war.
- The basketball team, close to the win.
- The rugby team, steps from victory.
- Those evacuated by the flood, in danger of losing everything.
- Mercedes, the most beautiful in the neighborhood.
- Four cheese pizza at incredible prices.
Examples of verb sentence sentences
- They loved the movie.
- Ezequiel didn't like the apple pie
- José did not like the play.
- Mercedes and Luis liked my gift.
- Her dress cost Noelia a lot of money.
- Sofia's foot hurt from running.
- Alejandro was surprised by the cake.
- Ana seemed to smile constantly.
- Analia knew what she was doing.
- Andrea didn't know how to turn on that device.
- Belén left on the bus this morning.
- Camila went for a run last night.
- Carla turned 25 last Tuesday.
- Carlos has not communicated yet.
- Carmen heard that sound and was scared.
- Cristian regretted his fall into the well.
- Cristina married José.
- Damien didn't want to go shopping with Estela.
- The fire alarm went off all night.
- Andrés's car broke down again.
- The advance of the enemy was felt in the air.
- The plane left at the agreed time.
- The ship sank with the entire crew.
- The field was full of flowers.
- He bought Chinese food for everyone.
- The doctor gave them the solution to their problem.
- The soccer team won again.
- The owner's son is not very nice.
- The message was inspiring to everyone present.
- The scenery was magical.
- Ana's dog wagged its tail.
- The fish was rotten.
- The poem that Gastón dedicated to him was precious.
- The professor cleared up all doubts.
- The hall was full of people.
- The train left on the dot.
- The trip had its ups and downs.
- She waited four hours for the doctor.
- She was very tired of the noise of the city.
- She wanted to buy that storybook.
- They walked 48 hours without resting.
- They jumped out of the moving truck.
- Esteban waited in silence for the arrival of his parents.
- Irene celebrated her birthday at her aunt Claudia's farm.
- Juan tore his ligaments.
- The cupboard was full of food.
- My cousin's wedding will be on Saturday.
- The street was wet.
- The float was damaged.
- The house was on the hill.
- The waterfall was dry.
- The food was delicious.
- The company went bankrupt 5 months ago.
- Darío's illness has a cure.
- The recording was very sharp.
- The update day was very interesting.
- Elizabeth's mother was angry.
- The girl did not stop crying.
- The operation was a complete success.
- The clothes in the store are on sale.
- Grandma's cake was irresistible.
- The earth was damp.
- The electrical storm left its aftermath.
- The bees took care of their honeycomb.
- The cards are on the table.
- Harsh criticism fell against the government.
- The stairs were made of marble.
- The mountains were snowed all year long.
- The clouds promised a storm.
- The animal's ears looked misshapen.
- Plants go through a process called photosynthesis.
- The students sang a beautiful song.
- Cell phones all broke at once.
- The guests were happy.
- The patients were very well behaved in the morning.
- The birds seemed in an uproar.
- Zoo tigers look very sad.
- The neighbors are going to be parents again.
- Lourdes bought the bread this morning.
- Lucia arrived at her godmother's house.
- Maria had a difficult exam.
- Matías passed the exam.
- Miriam and Sofia met in the park.
- My grandparents celebrated their silver wedding anniversary.
- We will have soup again.
- Pedro sang all night.
- Penelope knew that was not her way.
- Rafael opened his first business.
- Raúl was 40 years in the army.
- Roberto worked tirelessly.
- Rocío took four laps on the carousel.
- Romina studied all night.
- Rosa was in that accident.
- Roxana felt observed when she entered the meeting.
- Her parents threw a big surprise party for her.
- Her nails were neatly painted.
- Tamara dove into the pool this afternoon.
- All profits were shared equally.
- They all ran after that loud noise.
- Ximena was not very religious.
Examples of bimembre sentences with an unspoken subject
- I knew it as soon as I entered the place. (Unspoken subject: me)
- I know Madrid by heart. (Unspoken subject: me)
- I don't understand this unit much. (Unspoken subject: me)
- I am living in a house with a huge garden. (Unspoken subject: me)
- I bought a new shower curtain. (Unspoken subject: me)
- You have to see the new Warner series. (Unspoken subject: you)
- You should be able to orient yourself without the map by now. (Unspoken subject: you)
- You have something new in your hair. (Unspoken subject: you)
- Have you already seen this play? (Unspoken subject: you)
- You never have time for your friends. (Unspoken subject: you)
- It has a much faster processor than the previous one. (Unspoken subject: her)
- He can contact you with people in the sector. (Unspoken subject: he / she)
- It is used to paint all types of surfaces. (Unspoken subject: he / she)
- He studied medicine for ten years but was never received. (Unspoken subject: he / she)
- It is too cold. (Unspoken subject: he / she)
- We sat in the front row. (Unspoken subject: us)
- We pick you up at 10. (Unspoken subject: us)
- We decided that we will change your position. (Unspoken subject: us)
- We travel to the beach every summer. (Unspoken subject: us)
- We will have to catch up. (Unspoken subject: us)
- Come this way. (Unspoken subject: you)
- They can put the bags over here. (Unspoken subject: you)
- You will find all the necessary information in the attached file. (Unspoken subject: you)
- They will be benefited with seats in business class. (Unspoken subject: you)
- Get in line, please. (Unspoken subject: you)
- They will get married on a beach in Greece. (Unspoken subject: them)
- They honored him with a very emotional song. (Unspoken subject: them)
- They studied very little for this exam. (Unspoken subject: them)
- They have very little patience. (Unspoken subject: them)
- This time they crossed the line. (Unspoken subject: them)