20 Examples of Unitary and Federal States
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
The forms of organization of States At present they are defined with respect to different reasons, among which is mainly the delimitation of the consistency of the power owned by the State, which implies knowing what the internal organization of the State will be: usually the main thing is to determine if it has a single owner, or if it has different centers of can.
Examples of Unitary States
The Unitary States They are those that have a single center of impulse, in such a way that the constituent, legislative, judicial and control functions are rooted in that head. This type of state is the most common form of organization to which the nation-state evolved after the absolutism, which was the one that ended up being replaced by sovereignty in the representatives elected by the society.
The centralization of power has some conveniences in terms of practicality and reduction of bureaucratic obstacles so that the will of the State is carried out, but on the contrary it may have the defects that the concentration of the can.
The unitary state can be classified according to the scope of the concentration of the main power: it will be a state:
Here are some examples of Unitary States:
Algeria | Peru | Sweden |
Cameroon | Guyana | Uruguay |
Kenya | Haiti | Togo |
Israel | San Marino | Morocco |
UK | Libya | Trinidad and Tobago |
Iran | Lebanon | Sudan |
Romania | Mongolia | South Africa |
Central African Republic | Ecuador | Eritrea |
Portugal | Egypt | Colombia |
Norway | The Savior | Panama |
Examples from Federal States
The Federal states, on the contrary, are those that base their form on the division of power in the territory, that is, on the basis that power is distributed originally between institutions that control different territorial spaces, so that constitutional powers are also distributed among the political spaces. The capacity of collect and create taxesFor example, it is distributed among the regions with the possibility of taxing different activities each of the estates.
The emergence of federal states, also known as federations, has much more to do with harmonization and coincidence of interests that in the case of unitary states: usually the origin of federations lies in a set of independent states meeting to solve common problems or equip themselves with a defense mutual.
The formation of a centralized state is necessary, but the questions related to the identity and the political processes of each one of the regions remain competent to that place.
As in the case of unitary states, the federal states have their own classification among the symmetrical and the asymmetrical, according to whether the entities that make up the federation have the same powers or not. In some of the federations, a region has some special characteristics that endow it with a higher jurisdictional level.
Here are some examples of federations or federal states: The lower-level units into which they are divided are states, provinces, zones, regions, and federal states. communities autonomous.
Malaysia | USA | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Comoros | Ethiopia | Pakistan |
Mexico | Austria | South Sudan |
Swiss | India | Brazil |
Venezuela | Iraq | Russia |
Australia | Canada | Argentina |
Sudan | Germany |