50 Examples of Plural Words in English
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
Plural words in English
In English, not all nouns they form plurals in the same way.
Examples of common plurals
Most of the words make up the plural adding the ending -s.
- Cat: cats (cats)
- Manzana: apples
- Onion: onions (onions)
- Bird: brids (birds)
- Truck: trucks
- Car: cars
- House: houses
- Window: windows
- Boy: boys
- Desk: desks (desks)
- Room: rooms
- Cupboard: cupboards
- Toy: toys
- Chair: chairs
- Shoe: shoes
Examples of hissing words
Nouns that end with "ch", "s", "sh", "x", and "z" are called sibilants. These types of words form plurals by adding the ending “-it is”.
- Bench: benches (benches)
- Kiss: kisses (kisses)
- Fox: foxes (foxes)
- Bus: buses (buses)
- Witch: witches
- Box: boxes (boxes)
- Wish: wishes
- Bush: bushes (shrubs)
- Class: classes
- Ash: ashes (ashes)
- Lunch: lunches (lunches)
- Church: churches
- Scratch: scratches
- Brush: brushes
- Match: matches (match / match)
Examples of words ending in a consonant + and
When a noun ends in "y" preceded by a consonant, the plural is formed by eliminating the "and" and adding the ending "-ies”
- Baby: babies
- Familia: families
- Library: libraries
- Party: parties
- Agency: agencies
- Urgency: urgencies
- Tendency: tendencies
- City: cities
- Country: countries
- Fly: flies (flies)
Examples of words ending in a consonant + or:
Some nouns ending in "o" preceded by a consonant form the plural by adding the ending "-it is”.
- Domino: dominoes (dominoes)
- Potato: potatoes
- Tomato: tomatoes
- Hero: heroes (heroes)
- Zero: zeroes (zeros)
Examples of words ending in "f" or "faith"
Most of the words ending in "f" or "faith" formal plural eliminating the f and adding the ending "-you see”. However, it does not happen in all cases.
- Half: halves (halves)
- Knife: knives (knives)
- Life: lives
- Thief: thieves (thieves)
- Wife: wives (wives)
Examples of irregular plurals
Each of the irregular nouns plural forms in a specific way, without responding to any rules. Some of them have the same form for the plural as for the singular.
- Child: children
- Foot: feet
- Goose: geese (goose)
- Fish: fish
- Man: men (men)
- Woman: women
- Tooth: teeth
- Deer: deer
- Mouse: mice
- Person: people
Andrea is a language teacher, and in her instagram account She offers private lessons by video call so you can learn to speak English.