The articles They are grammatical forms that precede the noun and provide information about it. For example: andl cat, a Ms, the clouds, some boys.
Articles can be definite (also called determinate) or indefinite (also called indeterminate).
Definite articles are used when the noun is known or a particular noun is alluded to. They are:
THE: singular masculine. | THE: masculine, plural. |
THE: feminine singular. | THE: feminine, plural. |
There are also it, considered a neutral article, and the contractions of (of + him) and to the (to + the).
Indefinite articles are used when you do not know the noun and it is the first time you refer to it. They are:
A: singular masculine. | SOME: masculine, plural. |
A: feminine singular. | NAILS: feminine, plural. |
Some of the functions of the articles are:
Sentences with definite and indefinite articles