The verbs They are words that are used to express actions, states, attitudes, conditions, events of nature or existence. For example: limitate, lustrar, ldevise.
The infinitives of verbs with L (like all verbs) can have three endings: -ar (lucrar, lastimar), -er (leer, lamer), -to go (lucir, latir).
The L is one of the letters that can form a digraph in Spanish, that is, a set of two letters that represent a single phoneme. Depending on the region, the pronunciation of the double L can vary. For example: llevar, llover, llpray.
lsteal | lisolate | lunholy |
lacrar | legitize | linchar |
ladear | lenar | lindar |
ladrar | lesion | liquid |
lgrind | levacuate | listar |
lincrease | levar | litigar |
lamer | lavoid | llto love |
laminate | lgo | lllove |
languish | lliberate | llegar |
lanzar | lgo away | llenar |
lapidar | licenciar | llevar |
lache | licuar | llpray |
lastimar | ldevise | llover |
latir | lidiar | llocate |
lavar | ligar | logre |
leer | lfix | lubricar |
lequalize | limar | luchar |
legar | limitate | lucir |
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