In Spanish, the words that start with ox- are, mainly, nouns Y adjectives. For example: oximoron, oxoniense.
Between the verbs, they find each other oxidar Y oxigenar. In addition, part of this group is the interjection ox(with the variant you), used to scare away domestic birds.
Several of these words form families. For example: oxidar, oxidation, oxIdative oxgoing before, oxidable; oxigneous, oxigenar, oxigenation, oxigenate, oxigenotherapy.
Regarding spelling, it should be borne in mind that words that contain the Greek root oxy- (“acid” or “sharp”) are written with X. For example: oxigneous, oxitone.
ox | oxidar | oximoron |
oxalic | oxIdative | oxtake it |
oxalidaceous | oxigenation | oxitocic |
Oxford | oxgenated | oxitocin |
oxiacetylene | oxigenar | oxítona |
oxgoable | oxigneous | oxiuro |
oxidation | oxigenotherapy | oxhoist |
oxbefore | oxmeter | oxoniense |
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