10 Examples of adequacy, coherence and cohesion
Miscellanea / / September 14, 2021
Adequacy, coherence and cohesion
Adequacy, coherence and cohesion are properties that texts must have to be well written. The adequacy it is established when a text is appropriate for a certain context. The coherence it is established when a text has a correct structure. The cohesion occurs when the syntax and relationship between words, sentences, and paragraphs are correct.
The adequacy of a text is determined by the relationship of the text with its context of emission, therefore, a text or a spoken message is appropriate when it is appropriate to:
Coherence is the relationship that a text has with the context (adequacy) and with each of its parts (cohesion), that is, a text is coherent when it is appropriate to the context and when it is cohesive. Roughly, coherence is determined by the central theme, since it determines what information can appear and which does not and how that information appears organized in the text (in chapters, in sections, in paragraphs, etc.).
The cohesion It is the relationship that the text has with each of its parts, therefore, a text is cohesive when the syntax, the relationship between the sentences and the relationship between the paragraphs are correct. Cohesion establishes a semantic relationship between the different elements of a text, that is, that the understanding of a term, an expression or a sentence depends on the other elements present in the text.
The cohesion procedures can be:
Examples of adequacy, coherence and cohesion
- In the Photography there are many elements that are fundamental: light, the distance and the focus. This art has evolved, because the digital technology allowed great strides to be made. Nevertheless, Many photographers they still prefer the analog cameras.
This paragraph is coherent because it is appropriate to the context (it could be thought that it is a text that is published in a formal setting) and because there are different cohesive elements are present: words from the same lexical field (photography, light, focus, digital technology, photographers and cameras analogs), anaphoric reference (this art refers to photography) and use of connectors to connect sentences and ideas (without embargo). - The medicine is a science that covers a lot of knowledge about the body and, therefore, it is divided into many branches. Those which are the most chosen as a profession they are the General Surgery, the Pneumology and the radiology. Yes OK in many cases this choice it is because they are the highest paid specializations, too are chosen because they have great prestige in the scientific community.
The coherence of this paragraph is established because it is appropriate to a formal context and because there are cohesive procedures: words from the same lexical field (medicine, science, human body and scientific community), hyperonyms and hyponyms (medicine, surgery, pulmonology and radiology), pronouns (those), reiteration (chosen, choice and chosen) and connectors (although and too). -
First, reference will be made to studies made on this topic. After it will be explained what this consists of new study and what were the conclusions more important. Finally, it will be established what contributions We believe that sociology can do this investigation.
The coherence of this paragraph is established because it is adapting to the context of presentation of a research and because it works as an introduction in which it is explained how the text. Furthermore, it is coherent because it has cohesive mechanisms: connectors (first, then and finally), repetition (studies and study) and words from the same lexical field (study, conclusions, contributions and investigation). - The climate change it is affecting the entire planet. its main cause is the global warming, which is a consequence of the increase in greenhouse gases, the deforestation and the increase of aerosol sprays and soot on the atmosphere. These three phenomena they are the result of activities carried out by men. But, what's more, There's others phenomena that are natural and that also have negative consequences on the increase in the average temperature of our planet; these are the changes in solar luminosity, the Volcanic eruptions and the change of the Earth's orbit.
This paragraph is consistent because it fits a formal context and because cohesive procedures are used: pronouns (their and these), placement (warm-up global and increase in the average temperature of our planet), connectors (but also), repetition (phenomena), words from the same lexical field (warming global, greenhouse effect, climate change, deforestation, aerosols, soot, atmosphere, solar luminosity, volcanic eruptions and change of the orbit of the Land). - In this sector of Patagonia there are many types of birds, who eat different food, found in their environment. The parrotsthey feed from seeds, nuts, fruits and vegetables; the hummingbirds, of the nectar from the flowers; the calenders, from insects and eggs; and the owls, from small mammals.
This paragraph is coherent because it fits into a formal context and because cohesive mechanisms are used: hyperonyms and hyponyms (birds, parrots, hummingbirds, calandrias and owls; and food, seeds, nuts, fruits and vegetables, nectar, insects, eggs and small mammals) and ellipsis (the verb “feed” is eliminated to avoid repetition). - The band will tour America and will give concerts in the main cities of each country. All the members of the rock band communicated through social networks that they will donate a third of the profits to charities. This fact was acclaimed by fans and fans of the musical ensemble.
This paragraph fits the context, because it is more informal than the previous ones and because it has cohesive elements: placement (band, rock group, musical ensemble) and reference (this fact refers to the release of donation). - Plants are living beings that are found in different places both because they are sown as because the seeds they disperse by natural causes. There are several types of dispersion, but the most important are those that occur through water, through the wind, through animals and through the explosion, which is a phenomenon that only occurs with certain plants.
This paragraph is coherent because it fits the context and because it has cohesive elements: repetition (scatter and scatter) and connectors (but, why). - The paintingit has evolved a lot in the last two centuries, but the change more abrupt, which modified the essence of the art in general, it was the one that occurred with the avant-garde. This set of artistic currents and movements introduced in art very innovative ideas: the autonomy of art, the problematization of the role of the art and the concept of construction site, break with previous schools, the questioning of the representation, among other.
This paragraph is coherent because it fits into a formal context and because it has the following cohesive mechanisms: terms from the same lexical field (painting, art, avant-garde, artistic currents and movements, work, schools and representation) and placement (it has evolved, change and ideas very innovative). - The specialists consider that it is important that there be education quality to achieve an improvement in society. But for this to happen, Not only the contents that are taught, curriculum designs and the training of the teachers and of the managers, otherwise that it must also be guaranteed that all citizens have access to educational institutions. According to several authors specializing in the subject, it is necessary to develop public policies to guarantee that all young people can be inserted in the educative community.
This paragraph is coherent because it fits into a formal context and because it has cohesive mechanisms: words that belong to the same field (education, content, curricular designs, training, teachers, managers, educational institutions and educational community) and connectors (but, no alone and if not). - The designs that appear in the catwalks they are very different from designs sold in stores and that are used on the street and in different types of social events. This happens because the fashion of the paradesgenerally not intended to be used, otherwise that rather reflects the concepts of the latest trends, because, the clothing found in stores has colors and shapes similar to those garments that are seen in a parade, but they are much more subtle.
This paragraph is consistent because it fits into a context that could be a fashion magazine or website and because it has cohesive elements: repetition (designs), words that belong to the same field (designs, catwalks, shops, fashion, parades, concepts, clothes, garments), pronouns (this), connectors (because, but, why and but).
See also: