Words Esdrújulas 150 Examples
Spanish Classes / / November 09, 2021
Esdrújulas words are those in which the prosodic accentstressed syllable) falls on the third to last syllable of the word. In other words, the penultimate syllable of is pronounced with greater intensity compared to the other syllables of the word, which are pronounced without relief and are called unstressed syllables.
- For example, the word accomplice It is esdrújula because the accent falls on the third to last syllable, that is, on the third position: com - pli - ce.
When do the word esdrújulas have an accent?
Spelling rules for esdrújulas words:
1. All esdrújulas words have a graphic accent; that is, all esdrújulas words must carry a tilde (´) that marks the stressed vowel, the vowel that is pronounced with more force:
- Attic (á – ti - co): the stressed syllable is the penultimate: á. The accent falls on the stressed vowel.
- Cusp (cous - pi - de): the stressed syllable is the penultimate syllable: cous. The accent falls on the vowel.
2. The exception to the above rule is adverbs ending in -mente
. Since these compound words have double accentuation, the accent falls on the adjective and, in addition, on the suffix -mind (grave word). These words maintain the accentuation of the adjective from which they derive, for this reason, the rule can be broken. For instance:- Fiercely (faith - roz - ment - te): it is a sdrújula word that does not have an accent because it is an adverb ending in -mente.
- Effectively (e - fi - hunt - ment - te): it is a sdrújula word that does not have an accent because it is an adverb ending in -mind.
- Continue with: Words esdrújulas and sobreesdrújulas without accent or tilde
Next, a list with 150 examples of esdrújulas words with and without accent marks. In each example, the word is separated into syllables and the stressed syllable of the word esdrújula (the third to last syllable) is highlighted in bold.
100 examples of esdrújulas words with tilde:
- Antigone (An - you - go - na)
- Anaxagoras (A - na - for - go - ras)
- Opal (ó - stick)
- Endocrine (in - do - cri - no)
- Hero (he - ro - e)
- Buy it (com - pra - lo)
- Idol (í - do - lo)
- Orders (or - of - nes)
- Deficit (from - fi - cit)
- Esdrújula (es - drú - th - the)
- Spatula (Is - pa - you - the)
- Ecstasy (ec - ta - sis)
- Tarantula (ta - rán - you - the)
- Pancreas (bread - cre - as)
- Ocean (or - EC - year)
- Fantastic (fan - you - ti - co)
- Chaotic (ca - ó - ti - co)
- Finished (term - My no)
- Jails (car - ce - les)
- Cover (ca - rá - you - the)
- Tear (the - gri - ma)
- Staunch (to - EC - rri - mo)
- Broccoli (bro - co - li)
- Quadrilateral (cua - dri - the - you - ro)
- Warm (AC - li - da)
- Belgium (Bel - gi - ca)
- Gargoyle (gar - go - la)
- Ethiopian (e - you - it - pe)
- Fateful (fa - you - di - co)
- Comfortable (co - mo - do)
- Deposit of - po - yes - to)
- Erratic (e - rrá - ti - co)
- Islamic (is - the - my - co)
- Graph (graphic - fi - ca)
- Jurassic (ju - rá - yes - co)
- Iberian (i - bé - rich)
- Naples (Na - po - les)
- Heterogeneous (He - te - ro - ge - ne - o)
- Gland (glan - du - la)
- Liver (hi - ga - do)
- Malaga (Ma - la - ga)
- Army (e - jér - ci - to)
- Warm (AC - li - do)
- America (A - I - delicious)
- Arsenic (ar - he - ni - co)
- BarbarianPub - ba - ro)
- Shell (Cas - face)
- Fanatic (fa - na - ti - co)
- Match (phos - fo - ro)
- Tasteless (in - Yes - I ask)
- Monaco (Mo - na - co)
- Microphone (my - cró - fo - no)
- Abacus (á - ba - co)
- Interpreter (in - term - pre - te)
- Warlike (bé - li - co)
- Lebanon (Li - bathroom)
- FamousEC - le - bre)
- Computation (com - pu - to)
- Compass (bru - th - the)
- Antacid (an - ti - á - ci - do)
- Air (to - é - convict)
- Skull (Ave - ne - o)
- Italic (i - tá - li - co)
- Gothic (go– ti - co)
- South Africa (Su - gives - fri - ca)
- Milky (lac - you - a)
- Decade (from - each)
- Cholera (co - le - ra)
- Apostrophe (to - poster - tro - faith)
- Vault (bo - go - da)
- Illegitimate (i - le - gí - ti - mo)
- Techniques (technical - ni - cas)
- Calculation (lime - cu - lo)
- Centimeter (cen - you - subway)
- Pyramid (pi - rá– measure)
- Rectangle (rec - so - gu - lo)
- Arithmetic (a - rit - I - ti - ca)
- Geometric (geo - I - tri - ca)
- Mathematics (ma - te - more - ti - ca)
- Syllable (Yes - the - ba)
- Number (wildebeest -Mere)
- Cusp (cous - asks)
- Circle (circle - cu - lo)
- Vertex (watch - ti - ce)
- Angle (an - gu - lo)
- Telephone (tea - le - fo - no)
- Didactic (di - dác - ti - co)
- Triangle (trian - gu - lo)
- Images (i - more - ge - nes)
- Give it to him (give - I know)
- Antigone (An - you - go - na)
- Mechanic (me - AC - ni - co)
- Soviet (so - Fri - ti - co)
- Agricultural (a - yelled - line)
- Code (co - say)
- Electric (e - lec tri - co)
- Machine (more - who - na)
- Oxygen (or - xi - ge - no)
- Mexico (I - xi - co)
- Ceramic (ce - rá - my - ca)
50 examples of esdrújulas words without accent:
- Abysmally (a - bis - wrong - mind)
- Abnormally (a - nor - wrong - mind)
- Artificially (ar - ti - fi - cial - mind)
- Atrociously (a - chunk - mind)
- Boldly (au - daz - mind)
- Buccally (bu - lime - mind)
- Cabalmente (ca - bal - mind)
- Commercially (com - mer - cial - mind)
- Cordially (cor - dial - mind)
- Dentally (den - such - mind)
- Differentially (di - fe - ren - cial - mind)
- School (es - co - lar - mind)
- Externally (ex - te - rior - mind)
- Familiarly (fa - mi - roll - mind)
- Fatally (fa - such - mind)
- Feverishly (faith - shine - mind)
- Phenomenally (faith - no - me - final - mind)
- Horizontally (ho - ri - zon - such - mind)
- Likewise (i - like - mind)
- Illegally (i - le - gal - mind)
- Unfaithfully (in - faithful - mind)
- Inwardly (in - te - rior - mind)
- Legally (you - gal - mind)
- Lethally (him - such - mind)
- Loquacious (what - quaz - mind)
- Manually (ma - nual - mind)
- Medicinally (me - di - ci - final - mind)
- Mentally (men - such - mind)
- Minerally (mi - ne - ral - mind)
- Modularly (mo - du - lar - mind)
- Bitingly (mor - daz - mind)
- Worldwide (mun - dial - mind)
- Naturally (na - you - ral - mind)
- Neutrally (neu - tral - mind)
- Optionally (op - cio - final - mind)
- Originally (o - ri - gi - final - mind)
- Particularly (par - ti - cu - lar - mind)
- Perpendicularly (per - pen - di - cu - lar - mind)
- Insightful (pers - pi - hunt - mind)
- Police (po - li - cial - mind)
- Popularly (po - pu - lar - mind)
- Mainly (prin - ci - pal - mind)
- Regularly (re - gu - lar - mind)
- Socially (so - cial - mind)
- Suspiciously (sus - pi - hunt - mind)
- Terminalmente (ter - mi - final - mind)
- Quickly (go - loz - mind)
- Vertically (see - ti - lime - mind)
- Virtually (vir - tual - mind)
- Voraciously (vo - root - mind)
15 Sentences with esdrújulas words:
- The boy said that his father has always been his hero.
- One of my biggest idols in the music will come to give a concert in the auditorium.
- Felt in ecstasy for so much happiness.
- There are mysterious creatures swimming in the ocean without us knowing them.
- It was a very weekend chaotic because we had a lot of work in the office.
- Our employment relationship will reach your finished in the next days.
- At the end of the season, we had several tears of emotion for what happened.
- They gave him a warm welcome guests to the festival film.
- The army He constantly patrols this area of the city because it is dangerous.
- They served us a broth at lunch tasteless which was also cold.
- Halfway through the presentation, to his bad luck, the microphone
- He had an injury to the skull due to the sharp fall.
- Inside of vault kept several treasures fantastic that were valued in millions of Dollars.
- Due to an error calculation, originated the accident that almost claimed several lives.
- You have to cut the fabric a centimeter more to fit your figure
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Quoted from APA: Del Moral, M. & Rodriguez, J. (s.f.). Words Esdrújulas 150 Examples.Example of. Retrieved on October 22, 2021 from https://www.ejemplode.com/12-clases_de_espanol/7-palabras_esdrujulas_150_ejemplos.html