Sharp Words 200 Examples
Spanish Classes / / November 09, 2021
Sharp words, also known as oxytons, are those in which the prosodic accentstressed syllable) is located on the last syllable. In other words, the last syllable of the word is pronounced with greater relief or intensity with respect to the other syllables of the word (called stressed syllables) that are pronounced with less force.
For example, the word song is acute because the accent falls on the last syllable (can - tion).
When do sharp words have an accent?
Spelling rules for sharp words:
1. Sharp words they have a spelling accent or accent whenend in "n" or "s". For instance:
- Fun (di - see - Zion): the stressed syllable is the last one: Zion. It has a spelling accent because it ends in the consonant
- You will understand (en - ten - de - rás): the stressed syllable is the last one: rás. It has a spelling accent since it ends in the consonants
2. Sharp words they have an accent whenfinish in For instance:
- He discovered (des - cu - verve): the stressed syllable is the last one: verve. It has a spelling accent since it ends with the vowel ó.
3. Sharp words they are not stressed if they end in a consonant other than n or s.
- Libertad (li - ber - tad): the stressed syllable is the last (tad) and is not stressed because it ends in the consonant
These rules can be broken in case there is a hiatus that breaks a diphthong and must be accentuated, as in corn, Raúl, trunk and root, which are sharp words formed by hiatus.
- Follow with: Serious words.
Here is a list of 200 examples of acute words with and without accent marks. In each example the word is separated into syllables and the stressed syllable of the acute word is highlighted in bold (the last syllable)
100 Examples of acute words with tilde:
- Action (ac - tion)
- Accordion (a - cor - de - on)
- Addiction (a - dec - tion)
- Admiration (ad - mi - ra - tion)
- Admission (ad - mi - Zion)
- Alegró (a - le - gró)
- Anise (a - nís)
- Airplane (to - vion)
- Bypass (bai - pass)
- Baby (be - bé)
- It will drink (be - be - rá)
- Bourgeois (bur - gués)
- Coffee (ca - faith)
- Drawer (ca - jón)
- Calderón (lime - from - Ron)
- Calzón (cal - zón)
- Shrimp (ca - ma - Ron)
- Will walk (ca - mi - na - rá)
- He walked (ca - my - no)
- Truck (truck)
- Champion (cam - pe - on)
- Canapés (ca - na - pés)
- Song (can - tion)
- Centipede (ciem - feet)
- Columbus (co - lon)
- Itching (co - me - zone)
- Committees (co - mi - teas)
- Comprehension (understand - pren - Zion)
- Common (common)
- Confirmation (con - fir - ma - tion)
- Heart (co - ra - zone)
- I will run (run - run - re)
- Decision (de - ci - Zion)
- Denominated (de - no - mi - no)
- Address (di - rec - tion)
- Division (di - vi - Zion)
- Dublinés (du - bli - nés)
- Equation (e - cua - tion)
- Quilt (e - dre - Don)
- He faced (in - fren - to)
- Tangled (en - re - do)
- Entremés (between - between - month)
- Estés (es - teas)
- Stress (is - three)
- Evaluation (e - va - lua - tion)
- Exclamation (ex - cla - ma - tion)
- Explanation (ex - pli - ca - tion)
- Expression (ex - pre - Zion)
- Parishioner (faith - li - stoneware)
- He smoked (fu - mo)
- He founded (fun - do)
- Gijón (Gi - jón)
- Illustration (i - lus - tra - tion)
- Information (in - for - ma - tion)
- Japanese (ha - po - nés)
- Jesus (Heh - their)
- Jose (Jo - he)
- Julian (Th - lián)
- Junín (Th - nín)
- Lesson (lec - tion)
- Leon (Le - on)
- Lemon (li - mon)
- It arrived (lle - go)
- Corn (ma - íz)
- Mom (ma - more)
- Peanut (ma - neither)
- Fagot (ma - ri - with)
- Medication (me - di - ca - tion)
- Multiplication (mul - ti - pli - ca - tion)
- He died (mu - River)
- He was born (na - cio)
- Prayer (o - ra - tion)
- Orion (O - kidney)
- Country (pa - ís)
- Panama (Pa - na - more)
- Trousers (pan - ta - lon)
- Dad (pa - pa)
- Paris (Pa - laugh)
- He will think (pen - sa - rá)
- Perfection (per - fec - tion)
- Peru (Pe - ru)
- Population (po - bla - tion)
- Gate (by - ton)
- He asked (pre - gun - to)
- Rebellion (re - be - lion)
- Received (re - ci - bió)
- Religion (re - li - region)
- Roció (ro - cio)
- Rotation (ro - ta - tion)
- Rwandan (roan - dés)
- It came out (sa - mess)
- Salmon (salt - mon)
- Solomon (sa - lo - mon)
- Satisfaction (sa - tis - fac - tion)
- Section (sec - tion)
- Is according - gún)
- Armchair (yes - llón)
- Sofa (so - fa)
- Solution (so - lu - tion)
- Shark (ti - bu - Ron)
100 Examples of psharp words without accent:
- Cover (a - bar - car)
- Abarrancar (a - ba - rran - car)
- Acidity (a - ci - dez)
- Accredit (a - cre - di - tar)
- Actress (ac - triz)
- Accuse (a - cu - he)
- Overwhelm (a - go - biar)
- Alcoholize (al - co - ho - li - czar)
- Ascend (a - scen - der)
- Beldad (bel - dad)
- Warlike (be - li - co - si - dad)
- Bifocal (bi - fo - lime)
- Billiards (bi - llar)
- Bimonthly (bi - month - tral)
- Twin engine (bi - mo - tor)
- Binocular (bi - no - cu - lar)
- Delete (bo - rrar)
- Chivalry (ca - ba - lle -ro - si - dad)
- Expiration (ca - du - ci - dad)
- Cafetal (ca - fe - such)
- Calador (ca - la - dor)
- Cañaveral (ca - ña - ve - ral)
- Flow (cau - dal)
- Causal (cau - Salt)
- Zenith (ce - nit)
- Central (cen - tral)
- Carnation (cla - vel)
- Plot (com - plot)
- Counter (with - ta - dor)
- Controller (control - the - dor)
- Corral (co - rral)
- Quadragesimal (cua - dra - ge - si - wrong)
- Bleach (de - co - lo - rar)
- Deity (dei - dad)
- Dental (den - such)
- Huge (des - co - mu - final)
- Fold (do - blar)
- Fold (do - blez)
- Durability (du - ra - bi - li - dad)
- Enmity (e - ne - mi - tad)
- Disease (en - fer - me - dad)
- Eternity (e - ter - ni - dad)
- Extremity (ex - tre - mi - dad)
- Bassoon (fa - got)
- Purpose (fin - na - li - dad)
- Generate (ge - ne - rar)
- Great (ge - nial)
- Harem (ha - rem)
- Horridity (ho - rri - dez)
- Idiot (i - gave - complexion)
- Impavidez (im - pa - vi - dez)
- Ingenuity (in - ge - nui - dad)
- Integrity (in - te - gri - dad)
- Islam (is - The m)
- Jaguar (ha - guar)
- Judicial (Thu - Di - cial)
- Judit (th - dit)
- Legitimacy (le - gi - ti - mi - dad)
- Injury (le - sio - nar)
- Earthworm (lom - breeze)
- Maturity (ma - du - rez)
- Cornfield (mai - zal)
- Mammoth (ma - mut)
- Meretriz (me - re - triz)
- Mirasol (mi - ra - Sun)
- Morbidity (mor - bi - dez)
- National (na - cio - final)
- Natural (na - you - ral)
- Foolishness (ne - ce - dad)
- Need (ne - ce - yes - dad)
- Normality (nor - ma - li - dad)
- Hide (or - cul - tar)
- Offer (o - fren - give)
- Urinate (o - ri - nar)
- Pastoral (pas - to - ral)
- Perceive (per - ci - bir)
- Persuade (per - sua - dir)
- Itch (pi - cor)
- Quetzal (quet - zal)
- Clock (re - loj)
- Rose bush (ro - Salt)
- Sir (se - Lord)
- Social (so - cial)
- Dream (so - ñar)
- Sieve (ta - miz)
- Tapestry (ta - piz)
- Terminal (ter - mi - final)
- Stubbornness (to - zu - dez)
- Work (work - ba - jar)
- Traslight (after - light)
- Validity (va - li - dez)
- Old age (go - jez)
- Veracity (ve - ra - dad)
- Truthful (go - root)
- Likelihood (ve - ro - si - mi - li - your D)
- Volatility (vo - la - ti - li - dad)
- Vulgarity (vul - ga - ri - dad)
- Yogurt (I - gurt)
- Juxtapose (yux - ta - po - ner)
- Darning (zur - ci - dor)
10 Sentences with sharp words:
- I have curiosity by to know what happens to final of the series.
- This situation we have to talk in family.
- He elected very good deals in the supermarket Yesterday.
- In the morning listen a song what do you know stayed on the mind all day.
- Some people have ease for learn new lenguages.
- The yogurt that we bought was already expired.
- You could get in trouble for the falsehood from his statement.
- He added a lemon twist to the drink he made.
- The child performed incorrectly the multiplication that you asked the teacher.
- We sat in the armchair to talk.
It may interest you:
- Serious words
- Words esdrújulas
- Overdrive words
Learn more about sharp words.
Find out if a word is sharp, grave or spruce from over 200,000 examples.
Quoted from APA: Del Moral, M. & Rodriguez, J. (s.f.). Sharp Words 200 Examples.Example of. Retrieved on October 22, 2021 from