Example of Open Syllables
Spanish Classes / / November 09, 2021
Syllables are units of sound that are grouped together to form words; generally, they are grouped around the one that is pronounced with the most intensity (called the stressed syllable).
The syllables are divided into open or closed according to the sound with which they end. The Open syllables (also known as free syllables) are those that end in a vowel sound, what could it be a e i o u. Hence the name open, since vowels are open sounds because in their pronunciation they do not have any obstruction in the air outlet. For example, let's analyze a few words:
- Purity (pu – re – za): this word is made up of three syllables that end in vowels u, e and to
- Dog (pe – rro): this word is made up of two syllables that end in vowels and and or
On the other hand, the syllables known as closed are those that end in a consonant sound, which is closed and is characterized by pronouncing with an obstruction in the air passage, for example: mounting (mon - ta - heh), time (time - po), conventional (with – come - cio - final)
- Continue with: closed syllables
150 Examples of open syllables
Remember that open syllables are all those that end in any of the vowels. Below are lists of words with open syllables according to the vowel in which they end and open syllables are highlighted:
30 Examples of words with open syllables ending in to:
- Amiability (to - ma - bi - li - dad)
- Fraternal (fra - ter - nal)
- Accumulation (to - cu - mu - the - tion)
- Affectivity (to - fec - ti - vi - dad)
- Stability (is - ta - bi - li - dad)
- Fragile (cold - gil)
- Easily (fa - cil - men - te)
- I will accumulate (to - cu - mu - the - re)
- Coffee (AC - faith)
- Training (ca - pa - ci - ta - tion)
- Frequency (fre - cuen - Inc)
- Acoustics (to - cous - you - AC)
- Widely (am - plia - mind)
- Stupidly (It - you - pi - gives - mind)
- Protester (ma - ni - fes - tan - te)
- Learning (to - pren - say - za - heh)
- Marathon (ma - ra - to - ni - co)
- Employee (em - ple - to - gives)
- Thoughts (pen - sa - while - cough)
- Infatuation (e - na - mo - ra - I lie)
- You appeared (to - pa - re - cis - te)
- Walls (pa - re - des)
- Timer (tem - po - ri - za - dor)
- Tattoo (Ta - you - heh)
- Basically (ba - Yes - AC - mind)
- Elongation (to - lar - ga - mien - to)
- Warming up (AC - len - ta - I lie)
- Vociferation (vo - fe - ra - tion)
- Lie (men - you - ra)
- Force (force - za)
30 Examples of words with open syllables ending in and:
- Electrolytes (and - lec - tro - li - tos)
- Kindly (a - ma - ble - menu - tea)
- Rabbit (co - ne - ho)
- Confession (with - faith - zion)
- Infantry (in - fan - tea - laugh - a)
- Watch (re - loj)
- Meteorite (I - tea - o - ri - to)
- Effectiveness (and - fec - ti - vi - dad)
- Kisses (be - you are)
- Check (go - ri - fi - ca - tion)
- Character (per - so - na - heh)
- Similar (pa - re - ci - do)
- Olivarte (ol - vi - dar - tea)
- Inevitable (i - ne - vi - ta - ble)
- Shotgun (es - co - pe - ta)
- Espionage (es - pio - na - heh)
- Seminar (I know - my - na - rio)
- Say it (from - cir - lo)
- Redemption (re- den - tion)
- Heaven (cie - it)
- Perseverance (per - I know - go - ran - cia)
- Emulation (and - mu - la - tion)
- Heating (ca - you - fac - tion)
- Weaver (tea - heh - do - ra)
- Wig (pe - lu - ca)
- Outburst (a - rre - ba - to)
- Drinker (be - be - from - ro)
- Hardware store (faith - rre - tea - laugh - a)
- Stationery (pa - pe - you - laugh - a)
- Regret (pe - sa - dum - bre)
30 Examples of words with open syllables ending in i:
- Initiative (i - neither - Inc - you - he)
- Eliminator (e - li - me - na - dor)
- Stomp (pi - so - ton)
- Lost (per - gave - c)
- Experiences (saw - come - vias)
- Friend (to - me - go)
- Money (gave - Wildman)
- Dimensions (gave - menus - sions)
- Wealthy (a - gave - ne - ra - do)
- Cash (e - fec - you - vo)
- Late (tar - gave - o)
- Shyly (you - me - da - men - te)
- Dismissal (des - pi - c)
- Attitudes (ac - you - you - des)
- Affinity (a - fi - neither - dad)
- Finally (fi - nal - men - te)
- Gynecologist (gi - ne - co - lo - go)
- Imaginative (i - ma - gi - na - you - vo)
- Witchcraft (witch - heh - laugh - to)
- Wealthy (a - gave - ne - ra - do)
- Fun (gave - ver - sion)
- Typically (you - pi - ca - men - te)
- Applied to - pli - ca - do)
- Lost (per - gave - c)
- Foundry (fun - gave - do - ra)
- Stationery (pa - pe - le - laugh - to)
- Divisions (di - saw - sio - nes)
- Avoid (e - saw - ta)
- Atypical (a -you - beak)
- Fumigant (fu - me - gan - te)
30 Examples of words with open syllables ending in or:
- Obligations (or - bli - ga - cio - nes)
- Rato (ra - to)
- Screw (tor - ni -cry)
- Obelisk (or - be - lis - co)
- Liar (men - you - ro - SW)
- Powerful (po - from - ro - SW)
- It remained (what - do)
- Integer (in - te - ro)
- Washing machine (la - va - do - ra)
- Winter (win - fr - no)
- Waves (or - the)
- Agglomeration (a - glo - me - ra - mien - to)
- Forgive me (per - do - na - me)
- Heaven (cie - it)
- Sure (se - gu - ro)
- Game (Thu - go)
- Everything (to - c)
- Presentiment (pre - sen - ti - mien - to)
- With you (with - you - go)
- I cry (cry - ro)
- Shipping (in - vi - or)
- Biotechnology (bio - tec - no - it - gí - a)
- Warning (A - mo - nes - ta - tion)
- Everything (to - c)
- Person (per - SW - na)
- Glass (goes - SW)
- I buy (com - pro)
- Element (e - le - men - to)
- Downpour (a - gua - ce - ro)
- Finger (of - do)
30 Examples of words with open syllables ending in or:
- Museum (mu - se - o)
- Amulet (a - mu - le - to)
- Accumulator (a - cu - mu - the - dor)
- Woman (mu - jer)
- Sweatshirt (its - da - de - ra)
- Fist (pu - no)
- Feather (plu - ma)
- Romania (Ru - ma - nia)
- Numerology (wildebeest - me - ro - lo - gí - a)
- Sum (its - ma)
- Knot (wildebeest - c)
- Routine (ru - ti - na - rio)
- Reflux (re - flu - ho)
- Fluid (flu - gone)
- Polish (pu - li - men - to)
- Toucan (your - can)
- Tumult (your - mul - to)
- Narcotic (is - your - pe - fa - hundred - te)
- Malnutrition (des - wildebeest - tri - tion)
- Cloud (wildebeest - be)
- Dislocated (from - its - bi - ca - do)
- Cougar (pu - ma)
- Hurry (to - pu - ra - te)
- Moon (lu - na)
- Deluge (di - lu - saw)
- Lately (last - ti - ma - men - te)
- Dense (your - I ask)
- Cross (cru - tsar)
- Nutritious (wildebeest - tri - ti - vo)
- Titulate yourself (you - your - the - you)
It may interest you:
- Closed syllables
- Unstressed syllables
- Stressed syllables
- Compound syllables
- Monoline Syllables
- Polylinear and Biliterate Syllables
- Syllables stuck
Quoted from APA: Del Moral, M. & Rodriguez, J. (s.f.). Example of Open Syllables.Example of. Retrieved on October 29, 2021 from https://www.ejemplode.com/12-clases_de_espanol/5241-ejemplo_de_silabas_abiertas.html