Example of Overdrive Words Without Tilde
Spanish Classes / / November 09, 2021
The overdrive words are those that have the prosodic accent on a syllable before the third to last syllable; that is, the stressed syllable is from the fourth position onwards, and this is pronounced with greater intensity compared to the other syllables of the word, called unstressed syllables.
According to accentuation rules, the overdriven words they always have a graphic accent or accent (‘), With a single exception: do not have an accent when it comes to adverbs ending in -mind. These adverbs, as a spelling rule, maintain the accentuation of the adjective from which they derive. For instance:
- Gently (sua - ve - men - te): it is an overdrive word without accent because the accentuation of the grave word is maintained gentle
- Smartly (in - te - li - gene - te - ment - te): the overdrive is not accentuated because the original accentuation of intelligent
The overdrive words without accent will always be adverbs ending in -mind derived from grave adjectives without accent, so that in this way the accentuation falls before the penultimate syllable.
In addition to the overdrug words, depending on your accent, the words can also be:
- Sharp words: are those with the prosodic accent on the last syllable; have an accent when ending in n, s or vowel. For instance: truck (ca - mission), puree (pu - re).
- Serious words: are those with the prosodic accent on the penultimate syllable; have an accent if they do not end in n, s or vowel. For instance: volatile (vo - the - til), crater (Ave - ter).
- Words esdrújulas: are those with the prosodic accent on the third to last syllable and always have an accent. For instance: critical (I raised - ti - co), lousy (pe - yes - mo).
- Continue with: Words esdrújulas without accent
120 Examples of overdrive words without accent marks:
- Dejectedly (a - ba - you - da - men - te)
- Openly (to - bier - ta - men - te)
- Selflessly (ab - ne - ga - da - men - te)
- Cunningly (as - your - ta - men - te)
- Abominably (a - bo - bi - na - ble - men - te)
- Overwhelmingly (a - bru - ma - do - ra - men - te)
- Abruptly (to - brup - ta - men - te)
- Absolutely (ab - so - lu - ta - men - te)
- Heatedly (a - ca - lo - ra - da - men - te)
- Sharp (a - fi - the - da - men - te)
- Kindly (to - ma - ble - men - te)
- Amicably (a - my - ga - ble - men - te)
- In advance (an - ti - ci - pa - da - men - te)
- Old fashioned (an - ti - what - da - men - te)
- Arduously (ar - dua - men - te)
- Sincerely (a - ten - ta - men - te)
- Abruptly (Brus - ca - men - te)
- Pretty much (bas - ta - men - te)
- Blessedly (be - to - ta - men - te)
- Bellacamente (be - lla - ca - men - te)
- Abruptly (Brus - ca - men - te)
- Briefly (bre - go - men - te)
- Mockingly (bur - it - na - men - te)
- Chivalrously (ca - ba - lle - ro - sa - men - te)
- Warmly (ca - lu - ro - sa - men - te)
- Warmly (ca - lien - te - me - te)
- Communityly (co - mu - ni - ta - ria - men - te)
- Communicatively (co - mu - ni - ca - you - go - men - te)
- Concisely (With - ci - sa - men - te)
- Touchingly (with - mo - ve - do - ra - men - te)
- Expensively (cos - to - sa - men - te)
- Capriciously (ca - pri - cho - sa - men - te)
- Blindly (cie - ga - men - te)
- Shortly (cor - ta - men - te)
- Creatively (cre - a - you - go - men - te)
- Crudely (cru - da - men - te)
- Fully (cum - pli - da - men - te)
- Carelessly (des - cui - gives - da - men - te)
- Disorderly (de - sor - de - na - da - men - te)
- Ruthlessly (mercilessly - da - da - mind - te)
- Arguably (dis - cu - you - ble - men - te)
- Sweetly (dul - ce - men - te)
- Harshly (du - ra - men - te)
- Harmfully (gives - no - sa - men - te)
- Defensively (de - fen - Yes - go - men - te)
- Delicately (de - li - AC - da - men - te)
- Devoutly (from - vo - ta - men - te)
- Colorlessly (des - co - lo - ri - da - men - te)
- Painfully (do - lo - ro - sa - men - te)
- Sweetly (dul - ce - men - te)
- Indeed (e - fec - you - go - men - te)
- Equitably (e - qui - ta - you - go - men - te)
- Strictly (is - tric - ta - mind)
- Externally (ex - ter - na - men - te)
- Entirely (in - tea - ra - men - te)
- Efficiently (e - fi - one hundred - te - me - te)
- Elaborately (e - la - bo - ra - da - men - te)
- Thickly (is - pe - sa - men - te)
- Ugly (faith - a - men - te)
- Famously (fa - mo - sa - men - te)
- Fascinatingly (fa - sci - nan - te - me - te)
- Favorably (fa - vo - ra - ble - men - te)
- Furtively (fur - you - go - men - te)
- Fatly (gor - da - men - te)
- Finely (fi - na - men - te)
- Thickly (grue - sa - men - te)
- Giantly (gi - gan - te - me - te)
- Flatteringly (ha - la - ga - do - ra - men - te)
- Heroically (I have - roi - ca - men - te)
- Humbly (hu - thousand - crazy)
- Infinitely (in - fi - neither - ta - men - te)
- Unfairly (in - jus - ta - men - te)
- Inertly (i - ner - te - me - te)
- Ineptly (i - nep - ta - men - te)
- Insensibly (in - sen - Yes - ble - men - te)
- Infinitely (in - fi - neither - ta - men - te)
- Unbelievably (im - pen - sa - ble - men - te)
- Restlessly (in - quie - ta - men - tea)
- Justly (jus - ta - men - te)
- Justifiably (jus - ti - fi - AC - da - men - te)
- Jokingly (ho - co - sa - men - te)
- Juicy (ju - go - sa - men - te)
- Locally (what - lime - mind)
- Far away (le - ha - na - men - te)
- Luxuriously (Mon - jo - sa - men - te)
- Plainly (lla - na - men - te)
- Strikingly (call - ma - you - go - men - te)
- Cutely (lin - da - men - te)
- Slightly (li - ge - ra - men - te)
- Limited (li - mi - ta - da - men - te)
- Slowly (len - ta - men - te)
- Slightly (you - go - men - te)
- Cleanly (lim - pia - men - te)
- Medium (me - day - na - men - te)
- Mature (ma - du - ra - men - te)
- Majestically (ma - jes - you - sa - men - te)
- Wickedly (bad - he - da - men - te)
- Maliciously (ma - li - cio - sa - men - te)
- Meekly (man - sa - men - te)
- Modernly (mo - der - na - men - te)
- Mediocrely (me - it gave - cre - men - te)
- Morning (ma - you - you - na - men - te)
- Nebulously (ne - bu - it - sa - men - te)
- Necessarily (ne - ce - sa - ria - men - te)
- Nutritionally (nu - tri - you - go - men - te)
- Normatively (nor - ma - you - go - men - te)
- Notably (no - ta - ble - men - te)
- Harmfully (no - ci - go - men - te)
- Forcibly (o - bli - ga - da - men - te)
- Oppressively (or - pre - SW - ra - men - te)
- Hiddenly (or - what - ta - men - te)
- Offensively (or - fen - yes - go - men - te)
- Gradually (pau - la - you - na - men - te)
- Perfectly (per - fec - ta - men - te)
- Promptly (pron - ta - men - te)
- Receptively (re - cep - you - go - men - te)
- Secretly (se - I believed - ta - men - te)
- Solarly (so - lar - mind)
- Foolishlyton - ta - men - te)
- Roughly (cough - ca - men - te)
It may interest you:
- Words esdrújulas without accent
- Esdrújulas words separated by syllables
Quoted from APA: Del Moral, M. & Rodriguez, J. (s.f.). Example of Overdrive Words Without Tilde.Example of. Retrieved on October 29, 2021 from https://www.ejemplode.com/12-clases_de_espanol/5244-ejemplo_de_palabras_sobresdrujulas_sin_tilde.html