Example of Order Of Adjectives In English (adjective Order)
English / / November 13, 2021
When we use more than one adjective, whether attributive or predicative, it is usual to write adjectives in a certain order, taking into account the type or degree of modification or description that they exert on the noun or pronoun.
The order of the attributes, answering the following questions, is as follows:
- Article
- Whom? (whose)
- How many? (How many?)
- How is it like? (How does it look? What does it look like?)
- How big? (What size? how big?)
- How old? (How old?)
- What shape? (What shape or shape?)
- What Color? (What color?)
- Where is from? (Where it is?)
- What or How it is made? (What or how is it made?)
- Noun (Noun)
Therefore, the attributes that have to do with the appearance of the noun, will be mentioned first, then size, and so on, last being the material or shape it is done. Attributes of the same type must go together.
When we use comparative or augmentative particles such as: so, very, great, more, etc., we place them immediately before the adjective that they are going to complement.
When we use several adjectives, we will separate them by commas, and at the end of the enumeration, or, when we have only two adjectives, we can use the conjunction and.
Examples of Order of adjectives in English (adjective order):
- Yesterday, I saw how she is: Beauty, clever, young.
- I see myself in your pretty, big, brown eyes.
- The big, square, blue, Italian, ebony table, stay on the Hotel’s hall.
- That was an old black piano.
- The Chinese people has an antique monument, called "Forbidden City"
- Yes, my ugly, big, old, blue, American car is crashed.
- Please, take your soft, blue silk skirt.
- His wide, old library has around of two thousand volumes.
- One hundred of nice, red and blue, cotton shirts are on stock.
- This is the best, great, louder music I've ever heard.
- I love my old, black, leather shoes.
- Angelina is a twelve-years-old, pretty, blond, clever, little Italian girl.
- Most foreign students, think that English is a quite difficult language.
- In the party were three beautiful, little children, called Anna, Peter and Joe.
- On this land, many years ago, were an ancient, brave people.
- The solemn, Shakespearian Theater looks me, sometimes, so heavy and weary.
- My granny got an old-fashioned, antique, handmade, porcelain doll.
- They got a new, orange ball
- An eight-years-old, black-haired boy, said me no one live there.
- Jessica has a fluent and clear English spoken
- Your new, expensive, Vietnams stereo, don't sounds well.
- Our car is an ancient, blue, Russian Skoda.
- I bought a fashion, blue cashmere suit.
- Another day on my far, ruined, aged and gray office.
- And then, I saw it: A lovely, fast, new and white BXW Z5. Was like a dream.