Example of Words with Double Spelling
Spanish Classes / / November 13, 2021
Words with double spelling are called all those words that according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy can be written in two different ways, both being valid and keeping the same sense and meaning in both variants.
Thus, words can be simple or in two parts, with or without h, or with s or c, depending of course on the type of word.
100 example of double spelled words:
1. Sidewalk = will
2. Acne = acne
3. Cupboard = cupboard
4. Alelí = wallflower
5. Alveolus = alveolus
6. Ammonia = ammonia
7. Hurry, hurry
8. Ardido = hardido
9. Harpy = harpy
10. Likewise = likewise.
11. Atmosphere = atmosphere
12. Aureole = Aureole
13. Austrian = Austrian
14. Baluster = baluster
15. Basuco = bazuco
16. Berber = Berber
17. Bimano = bímano
18. Upside down = upside down
19. Cantiga = cant
20. Caradura = hard face
21. Cardiac = cardiac
22. Cartomancy = Cartomancy
23. Casabe = cassava
24. Cebiche = sebiche
25. Celtiberian = Celtiberian
26. Chauffeur = chauffeur
27. Cyclops = cyclops
28. Cocktail = cocktail
29. Conclave = conclave
30. Quadrumano = Quadrumano
31. Demonic = demonic
32. Hurry = Hurry
33. Dynamo = dynamo
34. Aegis = Aegis
35. Egyptian = Egyptian
36. Elegiaco = elegiac
37. Elixir = elixir
38. In front, in front
39. Congratulations = Good time
40. Ethiopian = Ethiopian
41. Exegesis = exegesis
42. Exegete = exegete
43. Bean = bean
44. Soccer = soccer
45. Gladiolus = gladiolus
46. Gnome = Nome
47. Midshipman = midshipman
48. Pull = pull
49. Hardido = burned
50. Harp = harp
51. Hemiplegia = hemiplegia
52. Hico = jico
53. Herb = Yerba
54. Hobo = jobo
55. Holgorio = revelry
56. Hopo = jopo
57. Hujier = usher
58. Ibero = Iberian
59. Laureola = laureola
60. Lítotes = litotes
61. Bad mood = Bad mood
62. Maniac = Maniac
63. Manisero = manicero
64. Medulla = medulla
65. Mehala = cheer
66. Metempsychosis = metempsychosis
67. Meteor = meteor
68. Mexico = Mexico
69. Missile = missile
70. Necromancy = Necromancy
71. Olympiad = Olympiad
72. Shoulder blade = shoulder blade
73. Oneiromancy = oneiromancy
74. Osmosis = osmosis
75. Wick = wick
76. Paradisiaco = paradisiaco
77. Parasite = parasite
78. Petiole = petiole
79. Pelican = pelican
80. Pensil = pensil
81. Pentagram = pentagram
82. Period = period
83. Policaco = policeman
84. Polychrome = polychrome
85. Polyglot = polyglot
86. Pretentious = pretentious
87. Pretentious = pretentious
88. Psychologist = Psychologist
89. Radar = radar
90. Rail = rail
91. Clock = relay
92. Reptile = reptile
93. Rheumatism = rheumatism
94. Seventh = seventh
95. Overly = overly
96. Tactile = tactile
97. Thermostat = thermostat
98. Torticollis = torticollis
99. Utopia = utopia
100. Zamuro = samuro