Example of Maintenance Request Form
Writings / / November 13, 2021
Format is understood to be the common and ordered characters in any text or document, intended to simplify and organize something in such a way as to facilitate its handling.
Maintenance is any set of actions aimed at the conservation, restoration, correction and repair of any device, or object determined, (as in the case of buildings, statues, furniture, household appliances, automobiles or airplanes), to keep it in good condition optimal. In machinery and electronic products, maintenance is understood as correcting and detecting faults before or after that occur and adjust possible breakdowns that could lead to the damage of a machine, device or equipment any.
Types of maintenance:
- Preventive Maintenance.
- Corrective maintenance.
Preventive maintenance is aimed at the conservation and care of objects, of any kind, cleaning, repairing and safekeeping.
Corrective maintenance is the one that is given in a specific object, product or device to which it is design, manufacturing or assembly flaws have been detected, trying to correct errors or failures.
A maintenance request form It is a request that is made in writing to expose the faults, or technical defects of any object, product or device and request its repair, addressed to the entity responsible for it, and be this governmental, (in cases of maintenance of streets, schools or public buildings), to a factory or company, (in case of defective or incomplete products), to a person or company specialized (as in the case of the maintenance of private buildings by companies that provide maintenance services, or by individual workers such as plumbers or electricians).
Sample Maintenance Request Form:
Electrocasa Companies
Mr. Javier Godínez:
Managing Director.
Hereby, I come to make a maintenance request, under the terms established in the warranty policy that was extended to me at your establishment, for the following devices:
1.- Bema brand automatic washing machine, fast-lava-254 model, which I bought at your establishment on October 14, 2012 and on which a 1-year warranty was extended. This washer makes a clicking noise with every blade cycle.
2.- Bema brand clothes dryer, fast-drying model -SR-6548, which I bought at your establishment on November 22, 2012 and for which a 1-year warranty was also extended. The failure of this device consists in that after 5 minutes of being in operation, it begins to give off an odor like a burned cloth, turning itself off after 15 minutes.
Since I am within the warranty period for both devices, I request in compliance with it that the necessary repairs are free of charge for me.
Thanking you in advance for your attention, I remain from you.
Su Atto and S.S.
Miguel Sánchez and Orosco.