Example of Banking Clarification
Finance / / November 13, 2021
When a problem occurs with a bank, it is advisable to solve it as soon as possible for different reasons. It often happens that improper charges are made to or our credit or debit cards are falsified or there is an error with our account statements. At that time we will have to make a clarification to help us get everything back to normal. A bank clarification It is then a means by which a bank is asked to review a problem for its solution. Generally, it is a document that we have to write or, on the contrary, it is made from a format already established by the bank. It clarifies what the problem was and the requirements or solutions requested by the client.
Example of bank clarification:
Request for Banking Clarification
México, Distrito Federal, on __ of __________, 200_.
I _________________________________, I request in the most attentive way that a response to this document be given as soon as possible by which I explain what happened. Likewise, I want all the information to be sent to my current address, which is the same as the one I have registered with the bank.
Therefore, under protest of telling the truth, I state that:
- The card number _______________ of which I am the holder.
- My account statement reports some charges, which I do not recognize
April 23, 2012 Restaurant la Joya $ 1,500.00
April 30, 2012 Restaurant Vink $ 750.00
- Based on this, I state the following in order to clarify these charges:
None of the consumptions are made by me. Therefore, they are undue charges since I never did any type of consumption in these establishments.
- According to the established terms, I attach the documents requested by the bank:
Credit card copy
Copy of official identification
Copy of the last account statement of my card
- By virtue of the foregoing, I request in the most attentive way that the bank reimburse me for bad charges awarded to my card as set forth in this document within the terms set forth in the law.
Atte. Silvia Arreola Jarque