Evolution of a Geographical Fact
Geography / / November 13, 2021
The evolution of a geographical fact It is a phenomenon or a series of phenomena, which are produced by physical or physical-biological phenomena of nature:
- Changes in temperature
- Erosion
- Fires
- Tide
- Tremors (Movement of tectonic plates)
- Storms
- Eruptions etc.
Example of evolution of a geographical event:
1.- Temperature changes.- The temperature changes are directly related to the translational movement of the earth around the sun. This is what causes temperature changes at any given time, producing the different seasons of the year and in these their respective modifications in geographic environments (snow, ice), such as their biological phenomena, (plants and animals) that are safeguard.
2.- Erosion.- Erosion is directly linked to changes in temperature, and to biological phenomena such as fires and their loss of flora. This produces a water deficiency such that the ground breaks down and produces a series of phenomena that can at any given time be considered as geographical (deserts).
3.- Fires.-
These are the initial cause of erosion, and are produced mostly by the dry season, which is the time that occurs when the earth is closer to the sun.4.- The tide.- This is produced by the influence of the moon and its force of gravity on the sea (it is believed that it also has an influence on the land) and produces the strong storms, especially when mixed with the temperature of the sun and the changes in temperature of the earth, causing from storms to tidal waves.
5.- The movements of tectonic plates (tremors) .- These are correspond to one of the most palpable and damaging geographical or geological phenomena, the movement of their plates produces disastrous geographical events when break and move the surface layer of the planet, in some cases, tremors produce tidal waves (giant waves) that cause damage to human beings and their buildings.
6.- Storms.- Storms are another geographical phenomenon, and they can go from a simple rain to a storm with disastrous effects (floods, debris from hills and mountains, etc.)
7.- Volcanic eruptions.- Volcanic phenomena produce geographical facts with the destruction or the same production of islands, thus they have produced by volcanic eruptions complete islands, which over time can become habitable. In this sense, many of the volcanoes begin to surface, producing a volcano as such by their eruption (what happened with the paricutin in Mexico)