Currency History
Story / / November 13, 2021
The currency It is an article of exchange called "anonymous currency", which is money as we know it, which is not strictly directed at one person and has value within a specific entity.
The origin of the currency is basically impossible to detect, it has been known that in Africa the so-called "cauri" were used, these They consisted of small shells, which allowed barter (exchange of goods) to be marginalized, achieving a simpler market, getting to receive the payment of the merchandise without the need to receive something that may not be needed at that time and / or that was in surplus.
The cash coin was made later, but in many cultures they used different materials to represent the value of the merchandise, as well in America used corn and cocoa as currency, in Africa, shells and perhaps various seeds, and on the European continent the currency was widely used. wheat. We can say that at a given time the handling of the check or bill of exchange began, which was made of mud in order to guarantee the transfer and payment of merchandise, but it is very ambitious for secure it.
The metallic currency arose when man knew the metal, especially gold and copper, which are easy to handle and practical to mint. This did not prevent that the first metal that was used as currency was iron, then bronze, first used in the form of weapons and instruments and then in ingots.
Initially the coins were minted by taking a small piece of metal and striking it with a rudimentary chisel-shaped die, and some even had one-sided face. They used to be misshapen and unaesthetic coins, constantly changing their weight.
The problem with the money stamped in an artisanal way was that the coins of the edge and lost the weight of the original coin, producing a more professional minting with more sophisticated.
It can be said that the minted coin is and has been the ideal means of payment, which has accompanied the human being for thousands of years, surviving to this day.
Another type of existing currency is the checks themselves, these arose out of the need to preserve the real value of gold, silver, or directly stored in vaults, and prevent them from being taken from country.
In China the first known banknotes were issued, and they represented the value corresponding to treasures and goods saved, so if they took the banknotes out of the country, they could only be made effective in the same country, and there were no leaks considerable.
In this sense, the value of the check was spreading, paper money was created, and security regimes were increased, due to its practicality and ease of counterfeiting.
The coin became a sign of government, when the image of shields and faces of rulers was captured, thus in Rome, Greece, Egypt, Babylon and many different countries and governments, the victors minted new coins, which would circulate
Historically known coins
The first historically known coins were more or less these:
- Cocoa
- The wheat
- Animal skins
- Tools
- The cattle
- The slaves
- Cowrie
- The "ace"
- The denarius (it is calculated that it is the first coin minted in silver)
- The Golden denarius (which weighed 8.18 grams worth 25 denarii)
- Chinese banknote
When the reigns were created, and later the democratic governments, they all found it necessary to mint their currency, clearly and sufficiently, creating the called “mints” or “minting houses”, where the coins were minted according to approved dies and with marks to avoid fakes.
In these houses the coins are made using authorized materials and specific models that serve to commemorate and represent both heroes and their respective gods.
Metallic coin.- This is the best known, each country and even some states produce it for the internal market movement, being created by This is the exchange houses, which are places where money from other places is exchanged for the equivalent amount in currency local.
Vouchers.- These are a type of currency not very recognized, where private companies make contracts with commercial companies that They will sell everyday consumer products to their employees, and because they are vouchers, they are exclusively spendable in those establishments. (This type of currency is illegal in many countries because it is considered monopolistic).
Checks.- These have accompanied man during his modern, current and contemporary history, and regardless of being an ideal and personalized payment method, which allows control of expenses.
Electronic currency.- This is what is done through banks, where the assets are always within the banks, and They issue cards or passwords that allow you to use the money in a discretionary way without losing the asset. physical.
It allows the management of electronic money over the internet, and its international transfer is less risky and practical.
Currency and war.- As we mentioned before, the winners were those who imposed the coins, and we can see this in what happened in the Second World War; When Europe was destroyed, Japan defeated and the reconstruction treaties were presented, the United States took advantage of the situation to impose the world dollar as an international exchange currency, thus forming a strong and resistant currency that was accepted throughout the world, with or without his consent.
The arrival of the euro undermined North American monetary hegemony, producing a debacle in the world economy and its position in the market. international market, and as the international market is leaning towards the Chinese movement, this coin is in a position privileged.
It should be clarified that before the Second World War, both the French language and the French currency were those that were found hegemonically privileged, passing to American English and the dollar due to the effects of war.