Definition of Existential Anguish
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Maite Nicuesa, in May. 2015
The human being is a being who asks himself questions, a person who is capable of making decisions related to everyday aspects such as, for example, the menu to be prepared at noon, but you can also reflect on matters as transcendental as taking from conscience of one's own death or that of a loved one.
Death as part of life can produce a notable existential anguish in a person who feels overwhelmed by so many questions without clear answers.
The search for answers
The philosophy as science it is very valuable because it helps us to ask ourselves very important questions to add happiness and consciousness to life, however, the philosophy As the history of this humanistic knowledge shows, it has not provided definitive answers to some of the most frequent questions of the heart human.
The weight of uncertainty
From this point of view, there are no absolute certainties in the style of science experimental when a concrete fact can be demonstrated in an observable way. Existential anguish shows precisely the
uncertainty vital that affects the subject in his daily mood since these uncertainties have a very notable weight in the heart, that is, they hurt a lot because behind them hides an enormous need to seek a sense.Identity crisis
Existential anguish can be experienced at any life stage from adolescence to which is at this stage when people begin to become more aware of life and death. But also, about his own identity. In other words, existential anguish can also be motivated by uncertainty regarding such important questions as: Who are you? Or what do you want to do in your life to be happy? A crisis can also be motivated by possible vocation doubts.
Existential anguish also shows the very human error of living more in the future than in the past. That is, to be more in the tomorrow than in the now. When an episode of existential distress occurs, this chapter is usually not short-lived. That is, the questions that the person asks have a intensity so deep that his response is not immediate. Otherwise, if the answer were clear, there was no type of vital anguish.
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