Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2009
Solution is a term that is traditionally used in various contexts, although its most general and popular definition speaks of the positive response to a problem, doubt or difficulty that an individual will give to a problem that is happens.
In this case, the main reason will be tool with which a person has to bring to fruition the outcome of a situation that arose and characterized as being very complicated to understand. Not only in terms of numbers, but also in terms of think viable alternatives to put an end to that conflict.
While, for chemistry, a solution will be that homogeneous mixture that is obtained by dissolving two or more substances in another, which will be found in greater quantity than the two that will be added and which is called a solvent. The concentration of the solution will make it possible to establish the ratio of the amount of solute to that of solvent. Among the main characteristics of a chemical solution we can mention the following:
composition variable chemistry, the properties of its main components remain unchanged, the physical properties of the solution are totally different from those of the pure solvent.On the other hand, for the math, a solution will be that satisfactory result of the questions raised in a problem or equation mathematics.
But once again the term marks differences for us, because solution in a context literary, implies the denouement, the end in the development of the plot of a literary work.
Likewise and continuing with this sense of outcome of the term, solution is said when, for example, two sides, two antinomies, two opposing ideas reach the satisfactory end of some process in which they were involved and arguing.
Solution Issues