Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Mar. 2011
The term defame is one that is used to designate the act by which a person speaks badly or says negative things about another, in some cases true and in other cases, not. The act of defamation or defamation is something that is deeply linked to the idea of communication as well as with the idea of the public, since he who defames requires a receiver receive those accusations.
In general, whenever a person is spoken badly or in a negative way, the act of defamation is being carried out. Furthermore, it is important point out that the act of defamation always involves some kind of aggression or grievance against the person, this criticism being valid or not. To defame it is not necessary to do it in an aggressive manner or methods since the aggression starts from the same word or saying that is exercised on the reputation of the person. Many times the defamation is said without the person being present since if he did so he could deny everything that is said about him.
In everyday life, the act of defamation is closely related to the world of entertainment and celebrities, a world in which there is much competence and different individuals often resort to defamation of colleagues in order to win recognition or attention. Thus, the defamation that can be exercised on a celebrity may have to do with his style of life, with issues of your past life, with the way you perform at work, etc. Obviously, this is not the only situation in which the act of defamation can be generated in a common way; On the contrary, many of the work environments tend to lend themselves to it since competitiveness generates a lot of pressure and confrontations between different colleagues.
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