Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jun. 2018
Loyalty is getting someone to not want to change their option regarding something, because they feel satisfied and well treated. In short, it is about a person being faithful. This term is commonly used in the field business and in the world of marketing, since in both spheres customer loyalty strategies are decisive for success.
Keys for the customer to repeat
Marketing gurus attach great importance to customer loyalty. To achieve this objective, some strategies may be valid:
- Convert the acquisition of a product or service into a experience special for him client. Thus, it is necessary to try that the experience as a client is stimulating in many senses: in the information you receive, in the personalized treatment and in the after-sale service. In other words, it is about making the customer feel really satisfied. A satisfied customer will not only want to return to the same establishment, but will recommend it to other people.
- The friendliness of the employees is one of the
factors keys. By kindness is understood a set of aspects, such as the way of speaking, the gestures, the look and, ultimately, the communication with the client.- Good management of waiting times is a relevant issue. If a customer has to queue for too long, this situation will be uncomfortable and predictably he will not want to return. If there is any reason that justifies the wait, it is preferable to notify the client in advance, because this way he will not feel so restless and frustrated.
- In order to achieve customer loyalty, it is essential to listen to what their needs are. In this sense, an effective response must be given to consumers' concerns. Whoever sells a product must explain its characteristics well, but also has to know the opinion of the consumer.
Competition and loyalty
If a company wants to keep its clientele, it should not forget competence. Competitors have the same objectives and for this reason it is absolutely necessary to know what they do in their strategy business.
On the other hand, the idea of loyalty can also be projected onto the workers of a company themselves. A loyal employee is one who feels well treated by his company and, therefore, when feeling satisfied, he will not have the need to seek employment in a competing company.
Photos: Fotolia - Graf Vishenka / Adiano
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