Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2010
The carancho it's a kind of bird falconiforme (diurnal bird of prey), belonging to the family falconidae and that lives in the center and south of America from the south, it is very common in the Republic Argentina, for example.
Among its salient physical characteristics are: the upper part of the head is close to black, the rest of the head and neck are grayish in color and the back and chest show broad brown and grayish lines, while, while in flight, that is, when its wings are fully open, it is observed that it also has with a clear wing spot and finally, his tail, mixes the colors black and white.
On the other hand, one of the distinctive characteristics of the falconidae family, to which the carancho belongs, is that in addition to the provision claws, use their beak to kill their prey, a situation for which they present a boss cornea in the upper peak, near the commissure, called hawk tooth.
The carancho usually feeds on dead animals that is why nature has made the skin of its face bare. Although, this is not why it is not a hunter to be feared and therefore, normally, it attacks those animals more vulnerable such as the young or the injured, first injuring them in the anal area, in the eyes or on the lips to weaken us even more.
Anyway, your displacement it occurs more on the surface than in the air, it alternates flapping its wings, glides in circles and emits a harsh and loud sound.
The carancho has a particular way of assembling its nest, either in trees or in bushes, it uses branches, grass and hair, so its appearance appears quite messy.
It usually lives in forests or edge the open fields.
While carancho is his denomination most popular is also known as: caricari, moñudo caracara, piggy, carcaña, traro and moñudo.
Themes in Carancho