Summary of the Management Revaluation Book
Literature / / July 04, 2021
The book "Revaluation of Management" is divided into 10 chapters, in which various problems are dealt with. that a manager faces in the management of a company, mainly in dealing with the human resources that in it works.
Each chapter is divided into various parts, which are generally: a short introduction to the problem to be dealt with, the problem itself and its derivatives, solutions that are used in the past for the same, fashionable solutions and the best solutions, which generally consist of combining new management forms with administration traditional.
At present, each chapter will be developed in a single part in which the most significant of it will be included.
From reading this book we can realize that currently the advances that have been made in business administration allow a or another way to improve many of the problems that arise in most organizations, although in turn this development has also brought as This results in many problems by making existing ones more complex, which in many cases far outweighs some of the benefits that may be offer.
Some of the topics covered throughout this book include: corporate restructuring, leadership, empowerment, delegation, creativity, motivation, loyalty to the company you work for, change, communication, email and voicemail, self-directed teams, values and standards, virtual organization, among others.
Sharing leadership means that employees have the opportunity to make plans and make decisions for themselves, whether on their own plans or previously established plans.
The adoption of shared leadership allows executives to focus on new activities that allow growth, as well as receive the benefit of the knowledge of employees, who are closer to the action, and who in turn acquire feelings that they are being taken into account and that they can control their destiny, their work becomes more interesting and they are presented with the opportunity to acquire new skills and knowledge that will allow them to increase their self-esteem and motivation.
It is necessary that when we talk about shared leadership, it is carried out, because in many cases it simply remains in words and is never put into practice, which results in a decrease in group spirit and productivity.
Shared leadership brings significant improvements in operations: creativity is increased and improved, significant cost savings are realized, and higher productivity is achieved.
It is necessary to correlate the different styles of leadership (exploitative autocratic, benevolent autocratic, democratic and participatory) with the motivation of the employees. Each of these is suitable in different situations that will be determined from the behavior of the employees.
Niehouse speaks of the need to link the leadership style with the maturity of the employee's knowledge and with the task in question (E1, E2 ...), as well as with the maturity, the level of competence of the employee, the willingness to assume responsibilities and engage. (R1, R2 ...).
Shared leadership has taken the form of self-directed teams, since through them the task of including them in decision-making is facilitated. In managing these, there are four commonly made mistakes: exerting excessive control and dominating team sessions, imposing an exaggerated participation, condescending to teams, adopting an indifferent attitude towards the members and objectives of the team.
To carry out shared leadership it is necessary to: examine the leadership style, analyze the individuals of your staff or the team that leads or advises to determine who is most ready to participate, ask yourself if you are adapting the approach to shared leadership, based on individuals and tasks, ask yourself if is abdicating decision-making authority in the group or as a staff leader, not overdoing the involvement of subordinates, encouraging employees to recognize their potential and capabilities, talk to employees about what is expected of them, reward independent decision-makers (bonuses, activities), lead or sponsor productive teams, foster a culture that encourages shared leadership, and explain what is meant by “working off the job ”.
HOW TO MAKE Empowerment Programs WORK
Empowerment represents an authority that we voluntarily share with someone. When empowered, decision-making is left to subordinates.
When the empowerment only gives the staff the impression that they have participated since they were not given the possibility of To do so, it demoralizes and generates resentment instead of improving productivity, which is what happens when it occurs effectively.
When a manager gives a subordinate a situation to solve it, he must prepare it in advance so that he can fulfill the responsibility. Many times they are not taught the techniques, knowledge or skills they need to successfully fulfill their mission, and this is their role in empowering them. They no longer control them, but guide and support them.
When we empower, we benefit from having motivated people who are inspired to put more effort into their work. Once empowered, they are more dynamic and want to find means to help their company, they are willing to take the initiative to improve the way they work and notice things they do inefficiently and can then recommend more efficient.
With the participation of the employees, the aim is to achieve better results.
When you delegate you retain control over the final work, delegation saves managers a lot of time.
Some problems managers who refuse empowerment and delegation have are: lack of confidence, loss of control, and fear of losing their job. Addressing this requires: setting standards, training subordinates to do the job, and building trust among subordinates.
The problem with empowerment is that it is intended to see results instantly, since it represents a radical cultural transformation, which does not happen overnight. Employees need to be convinced that we intend to give them a voice in decisions and that an attitude will be adopted Comprehensive in case they make mistakes, it must also be achieved that they overcome the insecurities of employment in the work environment modern.
Some employees may feel more confident, motivated, and enthusiastic working in a team structure, so such It may be necessary to sponsor self-directed teams, which work without the presence of a supervisor, saving time and Energy.
To make empowerment work, you must: invest in staff training, believe in employee capabilities, communicate and clearly explain expectations and policies, leverage employee strengths, share information, lobby at work through peers, explain intention, learn not to control others, not rush, offer guidelines, do not punish others employees
when they exceed their authority, be patient with the results, assign the most important projects to the employees empowered, make sure team members know how to proceed, remember that one employee cannot commit many mistakes.
When sponsoring a self-directed team, you must: define the project to be carried out by the team with terms that make the objective clear, specific and achievable, ensure that the team is willing to assume this responsibility, explain to the team how the achievement of its objective fits within the global mission of the company, know the level of skills necessary to carry out the project and find out if the team members have that level (train them or incorporate members who already have them), specify the authority that the The team must have and communicate this to its members, specify what resources the team will need and make the necessary arrangements for it to have access to them (money, time, equipment), specify the situations that the team must avoid or the policies it must observe, clarify the scope of the team's responsibility, determine by what factors the results of team activities, together with the team, establish the type and frequency of communication to be aware of the team's decisions and progress, explain to the other why the team is formed, be present when the team needs it (to show interest and provide guidance), allow the team to develop its work program, stimulate take risks, identify and modify conditions that create a feeling of helplessness in employees, learn to listen in team sessions (80/20), provide support, which it should be your priority.
Modern, understaffed companies put a lot of stress on employees. Time and work pressures are a very negative aspect when we need employees with ideas and energy to put them into practice; This is compounded by feelings of helplessness, due to the absence of alternatives.
Prolonged stress causes job burnout, showing physical and mental symptoms (indecision, indifference, anxiety, irritation), which brings with it delays in work, lack of concentration and mistakes, lack of creativity; In order to take advantage of the creativity of employees, they must be reinvigorated and remotivated on time.
Some disturbances are: absence of a clear structure, job insecurity, lack of confidence, sporadic feedback, Contradictory demands and orders, feeling of helplessness, ambiguity of the functions, lack of resources to carry out the work, Changing roles, unclear and unrealistic expectations, bureaucracy, fear of failure, work overload, loss of talent decisive, etc.
Empowerment and teamwork are possible solutions to job burnout, social benefits and increased income are, too.
Sometimes being part of a team makes work easier, more fun and you can overcome fears, although sometimes it turns out to be hell, not everyone is ready for it.
Empowerment can make systematic activities more interesting and invigorating and uncover rich untapped potential for the organization. It is not an infallible solution, because many times the necessary training is not given and there is also epticism and it is seen in it a tactic to make it work harder.
Social benefits make it possible to reduce stresses related to time by offering internal services (aesthetics, buying tickets for events, laundries, etc.). It is thought that you want to make them work more.
Monetary awards are used in two ways: to motivate and to link performance and pay. Bonus-inspired performance enhancement tends to be short-lived, decaying once the bonus is spent. money, there is also the danger that money is seen as something to which it is entitled and is expected receive. It can also replace intrinsic motivators. When the goals are not within the reach of the staff, frustration intensifies. It can be said that these awards are necessary, but they must be combined with other motivators. If it is dispensed with, the workers are demotivated. Money is a form of recognition; employees use it to measure their achievement, their importance to the company, and their place in relation to other members.
Empowerment and team management are an extension of work enrichment and redesign, with which it is intended to meet the needs of self-fulfillment.
Some recommendations for reducing stress include: providing employees with information they need to do your job well, offer regular feedback, learn to say "thank you" when you receive a favor,
involve employees in decisions that affect them, publicly recognize good work, distribute awards fairly, establish channels of accessible communication, provide the necessary equipment to employees (team and human resources), assign a good job to employees (interesting), be attentive to help needs of staff, stop trivial criticism, avoid creating unnecessary stress among subordinates, recognize behaviors and results outstanding.
The message you want to convey is always the same: you have a true interest in your subordinates.
In order to reduce stress in subordinates, the manager must take into account his own mental and physical health, because if he is not well he will not be able to help them.
Many downside survivors are not the least attached to their company, harboring resentment against it for laying off their employees. colleagues and are skeptical of promises that make them a better future, so the loss of corporate loyalty is a problem managerial.
Faced with a saturated job market that offers no alternative to their current jobs, most employees do not want to risk losing their jobs. They therefore carry out the tasks assigned to them by taking advantage of the learning opportunities that are presented to them.
Currently the curriculum of the employees is available to any company as they no longer have loyalty. that themselves, they will change jobs as many times as necessary if this ensures their stability professional. This is why the company loses a lot when employees stop feeling attached to it. Besides loyalty they lose other advantages: training costs, lower hiring costs, productivity, referrals, of candidates by staff, products and great customer service quality.
It is preferable to prevent attitude problems, it is necessary to recognize the insecurity that employees feel about their work and reaffirm the value they have for the company. When employees leave in search of another job, the best elements are likely to be lost.
Some courses of action to follow to try to reestablish corporate loyalty that was lost in the face of constant restructuring and downsizing They are: looking for jobs to help the laid-off and communicating to the survivors that they want to be treated fairly, establishing partnerships with employees through increased involvement on their part, creating compensation and benefits programs, and offering opportunities for professional development and personal. Meeting the needs of employees after work hours will increase their commitment to the work they do. Employees must be trained and instructed to fulfill the functions in the current company or in another in the event that they lose their job.
Some courses of action to follow are: helping employees set career goals and action plans to achieve them, finding tasks that help them to follow the right direction, be a guide in the labyrinths of organizational politics, promotion among company staff, become more aware of the personal needs of employees, establish programs that offer recognition to the individual, hold meetings dept. Or team in which public recognition can be given to the most outstanding contributions, share information with employees, carry out periodically evaluating performance, allowing employees to take on more responsibilities as their skills increase, establishing controls in partnership programs to clearly define responsibilities and achievements, maintain an open-door policy, allow employees try new things, take risks and even make mistakes, accompany bad news with explanations, overcome skepticism from employees honestly.
Over time, companies have undergone profound change. To maintain competitive advantage, companies must be in constant innovation, must adopt emerging technologies and respond immediately to a rapidly changing market.
Change management tries to discover and implement a better approach, then identify and implement an even better one, and so on. The goal of change is continuous improvement, which in turn translates into continuous change, which requires the participation of the manager and the employee to carry it out.
In an organization, it is very difficult to achieve change, because in general the bureaucrats who occupy key positions do not accept, other factors are: strict budgets, work and time pressures, resistance within the organization. The company's frustrated attempts to change to adapt to the times can cause it to lose customers, market share, productivity, and employees highly valued for its talent.
Resisting change may mean losing the opportunity to influence its nature within the company; the best way to ensure vision is to constantly renew yourself. Managers must empower themselves and their subordinates. It is necessary to know what is needed in order to achieve it.
The surest path to professional advancement is the willingness to initiate change and accept its risks.
Today change is made primarily through teams, as teams can do more than an individual. They tend to generate ideas of better quality and in greater quantity, in addition several disciplines can be combined.
Teams can be highly efficient agents of change, but not all succeed. Because they base their conclusions on assumptions and not on facts, they focus on the symptoms and not on the Causes. Many of the initiatives are not based on the needs of the company, but rather on magazine reports.
At the present time, companies go from one passing fad to another, some form teams of executives to investigate the value they may have, but many omit this, which brings them the failure.
If change is attempted through teams, the following should be taken into account: change initiatives through teams require sponsorship, change teams need a network of advocates, change teams need the right mix of people, change team leaders need to plan to overcome internal resistance. To drive change, the leader will need to use his guidance and counseling skills and be tactful.
Change planning includes many questions to answer such as: What is our goal or mission? What resources are needed? When is it expected to end? What will the timeline be? What results are expected ...
To manage the change initiative effectively you must: defend the change convincingly, plan the who, what and the where, as well as the why, must be communicated efficiently, be tolerant of errors, try to achieve short-term results term.
Overcoming resistance to the introduction of change requires: being empathetic, engaging subordinates, giving staff the opportunity to break with the past, expose resistance, choose the first step carefully, do not make concessions, do not fight but achieve acceptance by conviction, adapt communication to oppose, don't underestimate the power of bureaucrats, set up a reward system, track progress, know when to give up and do it correctly and with feedback positive.
Communication has always been an essential part, but nowadays a lot of information is received without the need for it to represent a communication, which which has given rise to two basic problems: the stress of trying to keep up with all the information, which makes us victims of a information overload and the frustration we feel because, despite so many conversations and written communication, apparently there is no real communication.
Communication has always been a management problem, as demonstrated in the following examples: not listening to employees, not supplying feedback, focus on our needs instead of those of our interlocutor, write disorganized and incomprehensible messages, compulsively writing memoranda, compulsive speaking, writing to impress, not to express, information overload and lack of skills facilitation.
An excessive amount of information reaches the executive desks every day and there are too many meetings where there is a lot of talk but little is heard; in teams it is generally more important to know how to listen than to speak. Cross-functional team members who do not communicate frankly increase mistrust within the team thereby creating a counterproductive environment.
A major demotivator within companies is poor communication. When we do not listen, we negatively influence the way we see the work environment, and this demotivation in turn causes poor team spirit, high absenteeism rate, high staff turnover, poor quality productivity, etc. 75% of mistakes made are due to ineffective communication that costs time and money.
Communication is a process, in which obstacles arise that prevent it and are: little clarity, inopportune moment, not knowing listening, inappropriate media selection, language and cultural barriers, differences in perception, and use of high-burden words emotional.
Clarity of communication is essential and begins with organizing ideas; Schemes are also very useful, especially in the case of long reports or memoranda; Common and brief words should be used, as well as avoiding detours, few words say more.
Today email and voicemail allow us to communicate more quickly, which means better communication, but many people still do not master their use The excessive use of these has increased the overload of information.
Through voice mail you can create an oral message if the person is not at his address, his The problem is that it does not guarantee that the communication process is carried out, perhaps the message is received but not understand.
E-mail allows us to send very complete messages that we cannot transmit so efficiently by other means and to make sure that the recipients will receive it when they open it. It allows us to attach additional documents to the messages, with which we can send more information. Its use requires certain skills.
In modern companies, communication is not simply about clarifying the nature and content of language, it is also about improving the way we relate to people.
Regarding the sexes, we have that women see in conversation a means of establishing a relationship with others and a way of investigate the opinions of others, while men tend to see it exclusively as a means of exchanging information and resolving problems.
When it comes to meetings, the wisdom of deciding when to organize them means the end of unnecessary meetings and the ability to conduct them guarantees a productive use of the time that is dedicated to them, the appropriate interactions between the assistants mean a fruitful exchange of information.
In general we have a lot of talk and there is very little communication, to improve this we must stimulate participation, listen to other people's ideas, function as a team and stimulate feedback.
To improve group and personal communication it is necessary to use communication skills and listen to those that have been taught over the years. We must also practice those skills when we write electronically, in order to make this communication clearer. We can improve communication by taking the following steps: creating an atmosphere of trust in the team situation, encouraging participation, using questions to controlling and guiding the meeting, not answering the questions that one poses, mitigating difficult or problematic situations, measuring the quality of our communication with others, not consistently using voicemail and email instead of personal communication, which allows us to clear up misunderstandings and read language bodily; be alert to filters that can block messages, learn to decide what information is really needed, learn to use e-mail correctly, write good messages from it, do not become a compulsive writer, use the best format for the communication, to solve the problem of information overload, start by delegating responsibility for setting priorities in the reception of communications.
Teams can be very productive, generate more and better ideas for new products and services, introduce them more quickly, reduce costs, They achieve a shorter cycle time and improve quality, as well as allow a faster implementation of decisions and improve group spirit, They also allow you to take advantage of various experiences and points of view, as well as to further analyze the ideas that occur to them and better choose the idea final.
Not all team initiatives have been successful, as the problem of teams is fourfold: poor utilization, poor management of The meetings are allotted too much time, inadequate measures aimed at integrating the members, inadequate facilitation and a lot of maintenance.
Leaders and team members must be trained in taking solutions and solving problems, which will allow them to take advantage of their creativity. If you want to maximize the potential of teams, you must learn the when and how of team leadership.
In theory, teams are an excellent resource, but they must be profitable in practice to justify the time spent on them. You must be more selective when deciding which problems require together and which do not.
Nearly 50% of team meetings are unproductive due to not being managed correctly, due to poor preparation or absence of clear missions or goals, inadequate facilitation skills on the part of leaders and lack of closing.
Poor team leadership skills can mean unnecessary waste of time, unfinished projects, persistence of problems that the team owed to resolve or loss of the creative idea that you should have discovered, which can decrease productivity, and destroy the group spirit and the sense of team.
When we gain a reputation for misbehaving team meetings, it will be difficult for us to make it a part of what we lead.
For team activities to give excellent results, the following should apply to them: recognize the contribution of the team, remember that it is the meeting of the team, determine how decisions will be made, explain objectives and disperse potential misunderstandings regarding the mission, make sure members are trained, remember not all answers are known, do not judge or comment on members' observations and ideas, counteract groupthink, listen carefully empathy, share control of meetings, create a sense of camaraderie among members, take care of meeting logistics, give praise and feedback positive feedback to members, support team-based pay initiatives, give closure, mention and praise team accomplishments, and keep track of team decisions made.
Employees need values to direct their actions efficiently. Values are especially important in companies where they have been empowered to make decisions on their own. Values unite employees with common goals, without the need for organizational rules, norms, and hierarchies.
Values answer the why of things and these are generally formulated from the company's marketing strategy.
In many companies that have adopted sets of values, there is little correspondence between the values enacted and those that are practiced, so It is not being coherent with what is advocated, which brings with it confusion, a deterioration of the group spirit and a collapse of the productivity.
The values have a true purpose, since they are born from the corporate vision, so they must be based on the real needs of the market.
The problem companies face is related to the means by which they try to gain staff acceptance rather than the value systems themselves.
The values generally come from the managers which causes a problem with the employees, as they are promised that they will participate in the values are formulated and meetings are held in which they reflect carefully on them, but the outcome of these meetings rarely influences the final writing.
Much can be learned about how values will guide activities; For this, the principles of good goal setting must be borne in mind, which are: employees need to know why the values are important, how to translate them into work performance, they need to have their priorities well defined, those who cultivate values must obtain results positive, they should not be allowed to think that they are practicing the values when they are not, employees should not see rewarding those who do not practice the values values.
Staff must be involved in setting goals, formulating values, setting norms, in determining the points where there are conflicts and in obtaining solutions to combine the values and rules.
It must be shown in words and deeds that you are determined to put the values into practice. Some suggestions so that all actions are synchronized with the values are: model the values that the company has established, obtain feedback from others regarding the management style, stimulate the modeling of values throughout the company, offer an incentive and communicate.
Values are not a passing fad, they are the principles that determine how we want the company to function, the standards within which empowered employees operate, the goals without which the company will not be able to survive.
As companies began to reorganize, many of them around teams, the functional silos that hindered communication were expected to disappear. By breaking down the walls and making companies more horizontal, greater and better communication would be stimulated, as well as collaboration between the areas. But the restructuring around teams did not completely end the silos, but instead gave rise to new silos.
The problem is that the lines of communication that existed before the reorganization and restructuring did not change as drastically as expected. Managers either did not realize the benefits of expanding their networks of influence or forming alliances or partnerships in teams or departments, or they lacked the skills to do so.
By forming alliances or partnerships one can demonstrate their commitment to the work team, this will improve the opportunities for professional advancement In two aspects: at the present time companies are looking for team leaders and cooperation with others will allow them to achieve the objectives or goals.
The networks of relationships, alliances and partnerships mean: information, feedback, a psychological reinforcement, a mine of resources.
Building cooperative relationships with other members will allow you to achieve great things that you could not possibly achieve on your own, which allows you to advance in your professional career.
At present, networks between managers can be decisive to achieve goals in the face of scarce resources, without However, many managers do not understand the value of establishing cooperative relationships with those who can help you meet your goals. missions. Establishing these networks requires imparting the necessary interpersonal skills.
If you want to fulfill your obligations, you must maintain good relationships. The secret to obtaining the cooperation of others is to find out what you want from the job and satisfy them, for this you must know well the members of the organization for what to do: take time to create a network of relationships, evaluate your current contacts, focus on the most important alliances and relationships, find out how make allies of enemies, become adept at the art of chatting, staying in touch, cultivating a power base, being prepared to share equitably, keeping in mind reciprocity.
When asking for a colleague's support: clearly state your needs, listen carefully, identify areas of mutual need, explain why, be flexible, and more.
Some skills to master are: asking questions, using silence effectively, knowing the rules by which your colleagues operate, monitoring the resistance, overcoming insecurities by discussing them openly, trying to imitate the interlocutor, solving human relations problems as soon as possible arise.
To form partnerships with other teams you need to: hold informal meetings with your teams and with others in the company who provide you or for whom you work strengthen your department's ability to network relationships, form a team of leaders who help everyone, don't limit your team's contacts to groups in the business.
When you have two operations that must function as one, you must: formulate a mission and a plan for the new group with representatives from both operations, start immediately, stress the importance of formal and informal contacts between members of previously separated groups, find opportunities for work together.
Today the personal computer allows employees to leave the office to work at home or at work centers closer to home both full-time and part-time. This trend towards the virtual organization, in which few or no employees will work regularly in the office but will be connected by telephone and computer to others and, perhaps, to one or more work centers, represents a radical change for the company and for executives.
The problem is that since we cannot observe employees at work, we cannot determine how long it takes them to do it and, in Consequently, it is not possible to measure their productivity, so the security that they are complying is lost, which is why many oppose it. telecommuting.
The possible abuse of the privilege of working at home by sparing the company working time is one of the administrative problems they face. Other problems of supervising work at home are: balancing the workload, setting schedules for the staff who work in the office and to those who work at home, their accessibility to other employees when they are in the office to guarantee work coordination and communicate progress. Those who work at home complain of the isolation that this causes and the lack of feedback. One more problem that can arise is the loss of employee loyalty, which can go so far as to encourage them to work for others during the days they work at home.
Teleworking contributes to resolving conflicts between work and family.
If companies refuse to offer the opportunity of teleworking, they can lose highly talented people, in addition to: higher productivity, quality and team spirit, flexibility, improved time management skills, higher levels of customer service, extended hours of service, reduced expenses general, etc. As you can see, teleworking has advantages although it is not without its problems.
Telecommuting is a necessity and it is a combination of flexible hours, flexible location and electronic communication.
Teleworking has led to the creation of remote work centers where employees can work away from the office and closer to home, but away from family distractions. Faced with the risks posed by the fact that the employees of several companies work together, some companies have founded their own centers that sometimes include supervisors who are part of the work outside the office.
One of the most important considerations is deciding who you will allow to work at home, whom You must schedule enough days in the office so that they do not lose contact with the company and its spirit.
Managing those who work at home is no different from good supervision, which is based on results, not observation. For the administration from afar to give good results it is necessary to: set expectations
clear, accept the criteria against which performance will be measured, agree on how results will be monitored, provide feedback on performance, create trust, communicate, improve listening skills, give the same information access facilities to employees who work in the office and to those who work outside of it, establish technical support systems for distant employees, consider staff reaction if it allowed all employees to work in home, recognize that you will need to build team spirit even when the rest of the team is not in the same office, help telecommuters build a spirit of camaraderie to support each other despite physical distance, don't let the difficulties of coordinating visits to those who work outside the office keep you from bring the group together regularly to discuss operational problems, encourage workers to communicate with their colleagues, do not show favoritism towards employees office employees.
The secret to supervising distant employees is to focus on their productivity and not on things like ways of work, time, or workspace. The same applies to independent contractors. A good manager or supervisor of ordinary employees will also be a good home-based employee, because the principles of effective management work with any work system.
As a conclusion to this reading, I can say that in order for a manager to be able to carry out an effective administration and solve any type of problem that may arise, he must to adequately combine the new management forms with the traditional ones, since it is through the traditional ones that the best of what is new.
This is a book that, although it focuses on American companies, has the possibility of being applied some situations to our country, although being realistic, many others are very difficult to reach.
Through this book, many of us as future managers or supervisors of a company can know some of the problems that we are going to face and possible solutions that we can give to these.
Personally, I really liked reading this book, because through it I was able to know examples of each of the problems it deals with, which allowed me to give myself a clearer idea of each of they.
Throughout each chapter we were very much insisted on the use of adequate communication, as well as on the permanent motivation that must be given to employees to achieve that they give their best and feel comfortable with the work they are developing and linked to the company where they work. There is also much talk about the importance of teams within a company and how they can be managed effectively to obtain all the benefits that they can give us.
Florence M. Stone, Management Revaluation, Mc Graw Hill, Mexico: 1998