Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2013
The concept of conversion presents several uses in our language.
Change that goes through something and that causes it to become something else
One of its most general uses is to indicate the modification that one thing undergoes that causes it to end up becoming another diverse.
Currency conversion: transfer from one currency to another
For example, this sense is widely used at the request of the exchange market to express the transfer from one currency to another. “ At London airport we convert pesos to euros.”
On economy we speak of currency to refer to that foreign currency, which does not belong to a nation because it has a different origin, that is, it is from another country.
The foreign exchange vary in terms of monetary valuation based on different conditions, such as: the inflation, the consumption internal, or the economic growth of the country in which they are changed.
The currency par excellence is the US dollar, something like a world currency since it is accepts and circulates in almost all countries, and also has a strong valuation in the market exchange rate.
We cannot justly ignore that there are many countries on the planet, especially those less developed, that have a hyper-dollarized internal economy, which means that there is no They only use the dollar as a currency in addition to their own, but many prices of goods, such as properties, are usually traded in dollars and not in their currency national.
An emblematic example of this is in Argentina, where properties have been bought and sold in US dollars for decades.
The reason for this is in the weakness of their own currency that causes people to take refuge in a strong currency such as the dollar, with great support for the economic stability of their country of origin.
The various economic crises suffered in Argentina in recent years were marked by the weakness of its national currencies.
As a consequence of this, Argentines have chosen the dollar as a safe haven currency for their savings.
Other relevant currencies in the world are the euro, the common currency of the European Union, the yen, the pound sterling, and the Swiss franc, among others.
Change that someone undergoes in terms of ideas, beliefs, thoughts
On the other hand, conversion, change, may involve ideas, thoughts, beliefs, among other issues.
In the religions it is common for this practice to occur in which an individual will adopt as his own the beliefs held by the religion to which he decides to incorporate.
It is extremely common for a Catholic to decide to convert to Judaism and vice versa..
This state of affairs generally occurs when a Christian woman, by being romantically involved with an Orthodox Jew, He decides to convert to Judaism to marry and therefore must submit to the proper rites that mark the Jewish religion in that sense.
When this situation occurs, that is, the person has a belief previous religious and decides to change it for another, for the religion that she leaves will be considered as a apostate.
In the case we just mentioned of conversion to Judaism, there is a normative that regulates such a situation and is known as giur.
It should be noted that it proposes as fundamental the absolute conviction, of mind and action, to carry out the conversion.
After that, the person must submit to the classic rites of the Jewish religion: circumcision, bath and the acceptance of obligations.
Although, it is worth noting that it may be subject to some restrictions.
For its part, the Christian religion, denominates as epistrepho, what does it mean turn back to, to that individual who converts to Christianity.
Literary figure of repetition that involves repeating several words at the end of sentences or verses
On the other hand, at the request of the rhetoric, the conversion, also designated as epiphora , is a literary figure of repetition that consists of repeating one or more words at the end of sentences, of verses.
Among the frequently used synonyms for this term, the one of change, because change is the action of changing and the effect of it.
Meanwhile, the concept that is directly opposed is that of immobility, which on the contrary to the change supposes the lack, the complete absence of mobility.
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