Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, on Sep. 2010
The finger is one of the most widely used and easily recognizable parts of the human body. In the specific case of the human being, the normal parameters establish the presence of twenty different fingers in pairs, ten in the hands and ten in the feet, being reflected in the opposite way in the opposite foot or hand. The fingers are considered the outermost part of the extremities such as the legs or arms and are the ones that allow, especially those of the hand, to perform many actions that no other animal can run due to its shape.
Although the vast majority of mammals have different types of elements that can act as fingers (claws, for example), the only ones that have fingers clearly distinguishable from the rest of the palm are the apes and, of course, the being human. In both cases the fingers are elongated on the hands and shorter on the feet since the latter are not used as often.
Within this distinction, the human being is the only one who has the most evolved fingers to perform different activities that require greater
precision such as grabbing items, to write or mark different things. This is achieved from the separation of the thumb, which in the case of apes is not as marked as in that of humans.Fingers are classified in terms of size: the big toe is always the most important, also known as the thumb; the index finger, which is normally used to indicate or point something to be the first in the line; the middle finger, second in the line that does not include the thumb and the longest of all; the ring, which receives its name since in the tradition He is the one who wears the wedding ring and finally the little finger or smallest of all. Each of these fingers and those of the foot are also divided into three phalanges or sections determined by the presence of internal bones at the muscle finger. The phalanges are those that allow to bend the fingers in different options and thus give more possibilities of movement on hand.
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