Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2015
Expired quality of something
The word expiration is used to indicate the quality expiry date of something, a product or a food, for example. It is said that something or someone is out of date, when it is old, perishable, has gone out of style or has become obsolete.
Loss of validity or validity of something
And on the other hand, the word is used to indicate the loss of validity or validity of something, a contract, or a resource per case, because its stipulated term has already been met.
In the contracts that are celebrated, generally, the term of validity of what is contracted is established, as long as, when that period expires, the contract or contractual relationship will expire, a commitment stipulated there opportunely.
Right: when the term of the contract ends, the right to take any legal action is lost
Expiration is a figure that is contained in the rightHowever, when the term of the contract ends, the person loses with it the right to take any legal action. You can only do it when the contract in question is in force, expiration, on the contrary, cancels it in this regard.
Expiration date: day designated as the limit to consume a food, medicinal, cosmetic or chemical product
On the other hand, the expiration date is called the day indicated as the limit to consume a food, medicinal, cosmetic or chemical, that is, that day will end the consumption optimal and then if it continues to be consumed after it there may be risks for the Health of consumer since the product can become harmful or unhealthy because it has lost its recommended properties.
Obligation to place the expiration date on the corresponding products
Manufacturers of the types of products mentioned must always indicate on the products that produce the expiration date of the same, while the manufacturer considers that if the client Consuming the product ignoring that date may be risky for your health.
We must emphasize that the expiration date must necessarily appear on the packaging of the products when applicable and it may also appear as an expiration date or consumption limit date recommended.
Of course, if the consumer consumes the product after this date and has a problem, the manufacturer will not have responsibility Some, while he will have it if the customer has a problem after consuming the product while it is in effect.
Issues in Expiration