Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2011
The term governance is a word of recent creation and diffusion that has been coined with the mission of calling the efficiency, quality and satisfactory orientation of a state, a fact that attributes to it a good part of its legitimacy, in other words, it would be something like a "new way of governing", which promotes a new way of managing public affairs, based on the participation of the civil society at all levels: national, local, international and regional.
So, governance is the art or way of governing whose purpose is to achieve lasting economic, social and institutional development, urging the healthy Balance between the state, civil society and the market economy.
The concept is usually used mostly in economic terms, although it also has a prominent use in social and operational matters institutional, especially with regard to the interaction between the different levels, when there are important transfers upwards and down.
There are various types of governance:
global governance (regulation of interdependent relationships in the absence of an authority politics global; example: the relationship between independent states), corporate governance (They are a set of processes, policies, customs, institutions and laws that make the control, administration and company address), projective governance (It implies the processes that must be in place to achieve a successful project).In recent years, various efforts have emerged to determine the governance measure of the countries that make up our world. One of the most prominent is that promoted by the members of the world Bank and the World Bank Institute, Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI); he publishes so much indicators global as well as individual for more than 200 countries at six levels of governance: political stability, absence of violence, government effectiveness, state of right, corruption control, the quality of regulation, among the most important.
Governance Issues