Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2013
The word recite we use it to designate the act of saying something out loud, and it is usually done in verses, or failing that We also use it to name the action of saying what was learned by heart also out loud.
Say something out loud in verse or what was learned by heart
Normally what can be recited are: speeches, poems, a lesson, the fragment of a book, a story, among others.
Thus it is possible to recite facts, events, real or imaginary, that take place in a given place and time, and in which various protagonists intervene.
Poetry, the emblem of the recite
Although, without a doubt, the poetry takes the lead when it comes to reciting.
Poetry is a fundamental and relevant literary genre that has been approached since time immemorial by thousands of authors, and why not also by people ordinary people who are not professionally dedicated to the work of writing but who have a penchant for writing poems basically inspired by their feelings Y emotions.
It can be presented in verse and the feelings and thoughts articulated with words that seek aesthetics and beauty in the
expression final are its essential features.Like most fields of knowledge and forms of expression, poetry has also evolved over time.
In times past it was a genre only available to the upper classes and the religious as a consequence of the disposition of economic resources that allowed them to travel, study, train in general, and then, with those tools on their side they could capture in beautiful words all those who had in mind, or who were detached from their feelings and emotions from the moment.
But of course, with the spread of literacy to the entire populationEven the lower classes, poetry ended up becoming a hyper popular genre.
The rhyming poems have been easier to memorize and so they are the most recited and remembered, of course.
Regarding language, poetry has oscillated between proposals of complex and ambiguous interpretation, and those simple with a rather colloquial that reaches all audiences.
And the themes were also changing, being the loving and the religious the most cultivated, but we cannot ignore the political, social, childish and related to travel.
But without a doubt, the primary goal that many authors and ordinary people have found for poetry It is to make someone you love fall in love, or in the absence of her when she is already in love, to flatter him with words affectionate.
On the other hand, the recitation of poetry has also been the resource that many lovers and conquerors used and use to make love.
From the above it can be seen that poetry is one of the most open genres and permeable to changes and influences.
It is common and a widespread practice in the world for the lover to recite a love poem to his beloved.
Conditions for a good recitation
It should be noted that the person reciting may be standing or sitting, depending on the context, and it is essential that you have a good diction so that you can understand what is being recitation.
In those cases in which the pronunciation is not clear and good, it will be necessary for the person to practice what they will recite beforehand.
Good readers, who understand what they read, are the best at reciting.
Also, those who recite will be required to contribute emotions and feelings to what they recite through their intonation and the nuances that they can give to her voice.
If it is a poem, pieces that normally have a high content of emotions, it will be crucial, To capture his message in essence, the reciter uses nuances in his voice to express them precisely.
Therefore, it is essential that whoever recites has a good handling of the oratory.
The management of public speaking, the key
Oratory is an art, the art of speaking, enunciating eloquently.
Without a doubt the fact of having a good quality recitation is a quality worthy of being highlighted, there are even several contests that measure this talent.
Among the synonyms of this word we find that of declaim, which just refers to expressing yourself aloud and with correct gestures while doing it.
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