Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2013
The word defend It is widely used in our language.
One of its most frequent uses is to express through it the protection of someone to something, against damage, attack or damage. We had to put up a higher fence to defend the property from vandals. Among the synonyms that we use the most for this sense, the one of to protect.
On the other hand, this word is also used very frequently to express the action of upholding, either an idea or a specific cause, against those who oppose it. The next Wednesday's mobilization proposes to defend the advance of the government to the Justice.
The concept of hold it is the one that is used the most as a synonym for this sense of the word.
In the field of RightLikewise, this word is widely used since it designates the intervention of a lawyer on behalf of a defendant of a crime or crime and that it has the mission of preventing the person from being found guilty of it and ending up in prison. We already know that the best criminal prosecutor in the city will defend him and that is a guarantee of his next Liberty.
Also, in the context of sport, this word is widely used with which you can express the game action that consists of opposing the advance of the opponents. The team He did nothing more than defend his goal throughout the game, the rival team was very well prepared in offensive matters and it showed.
It should be noted that in collective sports such as soccer, it is called defender to that player who is in charge of defending his goal, preventing rival players from advancing towards it. There are different strategies to defend against goals, which will depend on the system chosen by the coach and the defensive skills that prevail in each player.
And the other common use we give to the word in the language everyday allows give an account of how well someone responds to the succession of a certain event or in the unfolding of an activity.
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