Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2010
When we speak in terms of settling, we are referring to the resolution of a conflict existing, that is, to put an end to a disagreement that exists between parties.
Resolution of a conflict
The word turns out to be mostly popular at the behest of the right, of justice, since it is precisely in this area where officially and formally they resolve, settle, conflicts or disagreements that may arise in the daily life of any community.
When an issue is settled through the methodology Whatever it is, the conflict will be overcome.
Main applications of the concept
For example, a person dies and disputes arise between the heirs, then whoever considers it necessary to resolve the situation may take the case to court so that it ultimately decides who are the real beneficiaries of the inheritance, to whom it corresponds.
Although of course, it is not necessarily the justice, a judge, a court, who can settle a conflict, as we mentioned, this context is the formal one and to which in Ultimately, people go to resolve disputes if an agreement was not reached through dialogue, however, there are previous instances, mediation, for example, in which a question can also be settled, or failing that, by setting up a meeting with those people with whom it is intended to settle a conflict.
In much smaller and everyday conflicts such as the controversy between neighbors, the Council of Administration of the building in which they reside, can assume the role of mediator and settle the disagreement between them.
Necessary conditions to solve problems effectively
Whatever the conflict and the context in which it occurs, as long as a resolution is sought it will be essential that the parties to the dispute present the best possible disposition to work it out. When this does not happen, it will be very difficult for the arrangement to reach good terms.
Among the conditions that are indicated as necessary to settle differences or problems, we can cite the following in addition to the good will: always maintain the emotions controlled, knowing how to listen to the other in the approach of the problem and his position to solve it, always promote dialogue, not make use of the violence physical or verbal, show tolerance and a treatment of I respect at all times, accept opposing positions, among the most important to observe.
Cancellation or dissolution of a signed agreement or contract
Another use of the word accounts for the decision to undo the unity of a group, especially one in which its members are united by contract or agreement.
That is, this last sense of the term of the word settle is often used as a synonym for annulment and dissolution.
One of the most common examples that we can give in this case is that of divorce, a process that begins and follows a couple united in marriage, when they decide to put an end to their union.
The causes that lead to divorce can be varied, from deception, to irreconcilable differences in the coexistenceTherefore, when a couple finds the need to separate because the relationship does not work, they will resort to the courts to resolve its termination through divorce.
At present, it is a rather simple and fast procedure. Many laws have renewed their conditions to make the procedure more bearable than in the past.
Of course, when the couple does not have children or property in common, it is much simpler, whereas when there are shared property and children, it will be necessary for the judge to intervene. Determine the terms of the separation of assets, what will happen to each of the parties, and also the fate of the children, with whom they will live, visitation time, among others issues.
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