Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Dec. 2017
In some Eastern religions, especially Buddhism and Hinduism, the concept of dharma is used to refer to any spiritual practice. In this way, the teachings of the Buddha, the texts of Hinduism or the meditation techniques incorporate a dharma. It is a Sanskrit word and is usually translated as "purpose in life".
In any of its manifestations, a transforming component of the individual is observed. This concept could be understood as a spiritual path that leads to peace inside. It is, therefore, the true path to achieve self-knowledge, wisdom and happiness.
The idea of dharma understood as a universal law that is projected on each one of the living beings
To the margin of the dimension spiritual, dharma can be understood as a law general rule that governs everything that exists. According to this law, the different manifestations of the universe have a specific physical form because they are oriented to fulfill a specific purpose. The human form has a appearance
general, but it is different in each individual in particular. Therefore, we are unique and unrepeatable beings with equally unique needs.The law of dharma determines us as individuals in three ways:
1) we are here to discover our spiritual selves,
2) each person has a special talent that makes them an individual singular Y
3) we have to ask ourselves what we can do to help others.
The way to happiness
In the religion Christian there are obligations that we must fulfill, such as the ten commandments. In contrast, in Buddhism there is no notion of sin or the idea of commandments in a strict sense. However, there are proposals or paths that are recommended to follow to achieve happiness. These suggestions are built into the dharma and some of them are as follows: do not kill anyone living being because we are all part of a whole, not steal or lust for anyone's goods because otherwise we neglect our spirituality and not lie or manipulate anyone because by doing so we promote pain in ourselves.
The idea of karma is equally fundamental to understanding Buddhism and is directly related to the idea of dharma.
For Buddhists, karma is like the law of cause and effect for Westerners. In other words, it means that our physical, verbal, or spiritual actions always have consequences. In this way, if we do good we generate happiness and we do evil we produce suffering and pain. That law implies that happiness cannot be the result of a previous negative action.
Each individual has his own dominant karma and, on the other hand, he is solely responsible for his actions. In Buddhism the spiritual path of dharma is the one suitable for developing positive karma.
Photo: Fotolia - jesussanz
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