Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2013
It is called as money to that currency that has legal value, is current and current and is widely used to buy goods, to pay for services, to pay wages to workers, to cancel debts contracted, among others operations.
Currency of legal value and current currency that is used in a nation to pay wages, pay for goods and services, or cancel debts
That is, money is a means of payment for goods, services and obligations, which is accepted and legitimized in a given societyIn other words, there is absolute consensus that money is the way in which the obligations mentioned can be paid.
Means of payment through time and the birth of money
If we go back in time we find that the first objects that were used as a means of payment were metals; the value of these was determined based on the weight they held, while in the 8th century BC. I know would have produced the first silver coins and it was the necessities of commerce that they drove.
On the other hand, in the city of Rome, it was known to use cattle as a means of exchange.
In the 4th century BC, the Romans minted the first coins made of copper and bronze, in a rounded shape, and the ace was the unit.
In the following century, they would begin to make silver, called denarius, a denomination that would be the antecedent of the word money, which we use widely today.
Later, they would be made of gold.
In modern times, with the rise of mercantile activity, money begins to acquire an unusual importance, especially after the Industrial RevolutionEven from this moment on, the social classes began to be divided according to the money they had, the upper classes were the owners of the media. production and of large fortunes, while the lower classes, made up mostly of workers, lived on small wages, which in many cases did not allow them to satisfy their basic needs.
On the other hand, we must say that nowadays the means of payment are not only reduced to cash, which is precisely the most popular denomination, but also other very popular forms are used such as: checks, credit and debit cards, bank transfers and the newest bitcoins.
It is worth mentioning that today, the money that human beings handle in our daily lives, is popularly known as fiat money and it is characterized by being based on the faith of the community in which it circulates, that is, it does not need a specific support such as a precious metal or a jewel.
The Euro, the Dollar, the Real, the Yen and the rest of the currencies that circulate in the countries are considered within this group.
Money requirements
In modern economic systems, money must meet the following conditions: exchange medium (It tends to alleviate the defects of the exchange of goods and avoids, for example, the ineffectiveness of barter, we are interested in acquiring something, then, we take out this or that sum of money and buy it); accounting unit (The value of the good is used to measure and compare the values that other goods present and therefore a reference is taken, for example cows, a piece of land will cost you so many cows); Conservation Of value (The good is bought with the intention of storing its commercial value for a future exchange, such is the case of the gold bullion).
But in addition to the conditions indicated, it is necessary that a competent and definitive entity that issues it, endorses the money that circulates and that we use.
While it is the government of a nation which will indicate the legal tender, entities such as the central bank and the Mint They will be especially concerned with its control and regulation.
Set of assets owned by a person
On the other hand, the word is also used to designate the set of assets that a person has, that is, his fortune or wealth.
“We have money, that trip will not affect family finances.”
Black money: that which circulates without being declared
For its part, it is called black money to those banknotes of legal tender but that circulate without being declared before the corresponding fiscal organism.
Usually it comes from commercial activities that are carried out outside the law current.
There are several synonyms and names for this term that also have to do with the place in the world in which one is, among them the following stand out: quarts, silver, twine, cash, pasta.
Finally, we cannot ignore the relevance that people attribute to the possession or not of money, although the most spiritual and romantic tend to say that money comes and goes and that the most relevant are other issues such as love or health, which by the way are, most of the people We usually consider others based on the money they have or not, and this will make them more or less powerful of course, because society predominates the belief that the availability of money facilitates many actions, not to mention the possibility of being able to keep needs of any kind satisfied.
For many people, therefore, money guarantees peace of mind in many respects.
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