Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Dec. 2016
When a large group of individuals is involved in a situation of violence or dangerousness a disturbance occurs. In this sense, if two people argue and fight in the street there would not be a proper disturbance, since this concept is used exclusively in relation to tumultuous acts.
Typical situations
Riots usually occur on the street or in venues where many people congregate. This type of altercation is common in certain social contexts: in popular protest demonstrations, in some football matches where the fans clash violently and in certain recreational events with many people in which they consumes alcohol and drugs.
Although each mass altercation is different, one could speak of two modalities: those that are predictable and those that are not.
In certain cases, social unrest accompanied by violence is a phenomenon that can be foreseen from the police point of view. Thus, in a derby of maximum rivalry in which the teams play the championship, it is quite likely that some kind of disturbances will occur. Something similar happens in certain popular manifestations related to social unrest. Faced with this type of case, the
policeman incorporates surveillance systems to minimize risk of riots.Sometimes the riot and violence arise spontaneously and unpredictable, as happens with some street fights.
Two different assessments of violent protests
Some analysts consider that street disturbances should be interpreted as the expression of a deep social malaise. East argument makes sense, it is not reasonable think that street violence has no motive. However, this type of argument can end up justifying certain violent behaviors.
There are analysts who understand that violent riots are a form of protest that has no reasonable justification
These two interpretations are highlighted when escraches occur. For some, escrache is a legitimate way of expressing social unrest, although these acts have a violent component. On the other hand, others understand that escraches are illegitimate as a form of Liberty expression.
Photos: Fotolia - araraadt / cipgysmo
Issues in Disturbance