Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Apr. 2016
The payment of taxes was already done in ancient times and there are historical references that one of the first rates that were paid was the tithe. This imposition consisted of paying 10% percent (tithe comes from the Latin décimus or tenth) of the productive activity to a monarch, a feudal lord or the Christian church.
References to tithe in the Bible
The fact of making the tithe paid was known by the term tithing, something that we can already find in the Old Testament. It was a requirement that the Israelites had to fulfill by giving a tenth of their earnings to the priests of the holy places. At New Testament there is not one law of this nature, but the recommendation is made to help the church according to the economic possibilities of the faithful.
Biblical references to tithing were applicable to landowners and the benefits they derived from their activities, so the laborers and peasants did not have the right to obligation to tithe.
The Christian meaning of tithing
According to him approachChristian God is the creator of everything and this implies that humans are simply the ones who manage what we have. Consequently, tithing is a way of giving back to God all that he has given us. In other words, tithing obeys a spiritual idea and not a strictly material question.
You could say that the tithe has a double dimension- A token of gratitude as an offering to God and a way for the church to help those in need. Thus, for believers the tithe is a commandment of God and it must be interpreted, not in a sense literal, but depending on each historical moment.
The tithe debate
The people of religion Jews do not have an obligation to tithe and voluntary offering is encouraged in most Christian churches. Tithing does not officially exist today, but many Christian churches maintain it as a tradition. In any case, many faithful continue to contribute money to the church through alms, offerings, tithes or donations. For the supporters of these practices it is something completely normal and reasonable, since the churches must maintain their services and for this, financial support from the faithful is necessary. On the other hand, others consider that tithing or any of its variants is a suspicious practice and that it can promote the enrichment of some religious leaders.
Photo: iStock - zodebala
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