Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2012
The overseas designation is one that is used to designate everything that, in geographical terms, is found across the sea. The term comes from Latin, the language in which ultra means "through". Thus, the word overseas was used for a long time in relation to the European expedition trips that allowed the inhabitants of that continent connect a large part of the planet from the crossing they made in ships and ships of the seas. Today, the word is used mostly in a sense symbolic to say that something or someone is in a distant place that can only be reached by crossing the sea, even if it is not done necessary reference to ships (i.e. it can be said that for a person in Europe to meet a person on America you have to make an overseas trip even if it can be done in airplane).
We can say that the word overseas exists since ancient times when great empires conquered large areas of land and sea. Its use began to be common in the times of Roman empire, one of the greatest empires in history. Coincidentally (or not so much), to cross from one end to the other of this
empire It would probably be necessary, at its greatest moment, to cross the Mediterranean Sea, which is why this expression to symbolize that crossing (for example if you wanted to go from the area of Gaul or present-day France to the north of Africa).However, the use of this word became even more common when Europeans began to travel through not just a sea but the oceans in search of a new route to the East. These overseas voyages (historically known as the overseas expansion Europe) were those that allowed Europe to connect not only with the hitherto unknown American continent, but also They could also reach the whole of Africa and even eventually go around the world crossing all the major oceans of the world. balloon.
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