Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2008
The Law is the set of laws, resolutions, regulations created by a State, which may have a permanent and mandatory character according to the need of each one and that are strictly complied with by ALL the people who live in that community to guarantee good social coexistence among them and that the resolution of conflicts of kind interpersonal come to fruition.
In other words, beyond what I consider that, for example, respect some rule Traffic is unfair, I will have to respect and observe it because the law is not interested in private thoughts, but in guaranteeing the proper functioning of a society. In this way, it is admitted that the existence of the right is relevant to allow the rights of the citizens as individual beings are articulated in an appropriate way to achieve the permanence of society in its set.
Although sometimes we do not notice due to the daily routine and the automaticity of some situations or actions that we star in every day of our lives, the law is one of the issues that is most present in each of our days; the fact of taking a means of transport every morning to go to work or the same work that we do in order to receipt of a generally monthly remuneration of money, they are entirely things that imply a constituted right with which we count. Faced with their lack, we can and have the right (worth the redundancy ...) to claim them if they are not fulfilled effectively and in a timely manner. That is, my boss has the obligation to pay me a stipulated amount of money at the end of the month and the transport company has the commitment assumed to take me every day to that destination and I, to claim it in case for any reason I do not make. Therefore, only when the right is fulfilled is the harmonious functioning of a society possible, since the lack of fulfillment of the law
law it precipitates true situations of anarchy where some of the members will be damaged in their integrity, their assets or even with the loss of their lives.What gives us the right to all without exceptions, is the possibility of being equal before the law, that is, it does not matter for the law that my boss has more money or power than I do when making a claim for that money that was not paid to me. If so, the law will be on my side, of course. Is equality before the law means that the constitutional rights or those granted by other laws or regulations are valid for all the inhabitants of a nation, regardless of their task, economic position or intellectual or academic.
The law is nurtured and is generally based on written texts in which certain essential ideas or foundations were reflected to make use of the right, these are: Constitution, the law, jurisprudence, custom, the legal act, treaties, doctrine, among others. The systematization of these norms in different hierarchies allows their better ordering and avoids both contradictions and overlaps. Thus, a law issued by Parliament and promulgated by the executive power It cannot violate what is established in a higher level regulation, such as the Constitution. That is why it requires organisms to monitor compliance with the law; In each nation, this body receives different names and is part of the Judiciary.
Furthermore, in federal countries, the law has, in addition to its national dimension, its own state or provincial organization that may differ in different nuances for each region. It is preferred that certain crimes or violations of rights of strategic importance remain in the hands federal law, such as drug trafficking or national security, among others.
In addition, the law has been divided into various branches or categories to organize its treatment, so is the administrative law, civil, economic, political, procedural, among the most important. Likewise, the proper performance of the law entails collaboration with other disciplines, such as health sciences (in the forensic field), exact sciences (in the realization of expertise of different kinds) and criminology (in its most varied approaches described by the sciences modern).
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