Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2011
A dragon is a fabulous, mythological animal that has a serpentine figure with feet and wings and that breathes fire through its mouth, especially when it is angry or disgusted..
It is common to see the dragon appear in different shapes and with different symbolism in various cultures. Also, in the literature, especially in the fantastic, the parade of dragons is recurrent, even more, so popular has this curious animal with the to run of the years and centuries, that the different proposals of entertainment Today's TV series and movies show us playing roles linked to the struggle.
Depending on the culture that has coined it, the dragon is usually represented in two ways, antagonistic to each other by the way; on the one hand he has shown it as a guardian, a god, or failing that as a powerful enemy or monster, determined to hurt when sought.
On the other hand, they are usually attributed qualities and abilities superior to those of any animal, since they have been considered as possessors of great
wisdom and knowledge. Depending on the culture in which we focus, we will surely find a particular vision of these mythological animals linked to dinosaurs.On the other hand, the term dragon is used to designate a ancient Viking boat that was characterized by the possession of oars and a sail and that is used at the request of the transport.
On botany, a dragon is that ornamental plant belonging to the family of the scrofulariaceae, which has an erect stem, which varies between 60 and 80 cm. Tall, has scaly leaves, flowers yellow and blackish seeds.
For his part, Komodo dragon It is a type of scaly reptile that just lives in the Komodo Island and it is the longest lizard that exists in the world, since it measures up to 3 m. of length.
And the flying Dragon It is a type of scaly reptile that closely resembles the lizard, it stands out especially for the expansions that its skin presents and that on the sides of the abdomen form a species wings that help him jump.
Themes in Dragon