Definition of Road Safety
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Apr. 2015
Traffic accident prevention
The concept of safety vial is used to refer to the entire set of measures, provisions, norms, among others, that exist around the circulation of people and cars on the streets and highways, and that it has the clear mission of preventing accidents traffic involving the aforementioned subjects.
All of us, especially those of us who live in large cities, must live with traffic, which in the so-called peak hours, due to the enormous circulation of people and cars that travel from their homes to the school, among other places, is certainly intense and also dangerous, because everyone wants to circulate, arrive quickly and in This eagerness often generates tremendous road accidents that even cost the lives of pedestrians and motorists.
Policies that prevent, norms that punish
So, road safety, implemented and regulated of course from the same state, aims to combat this problematic through the implementation of regulations aimed at ordering traffic and circulation and of course promoting the
punishment against those who contravene any of these measures.Pedestrian and motorist engagement
But beyond the responsibility of the state when promoting policies in this regard and exercising the role of controlling them, there must also be a commitment of pedestrians, cyclists and motorists, regular subjects of circulation on the roads, with regard to to the I respect of the rules and their absolute commitment to generate safer traffic
Part of that commitment that we mentioned has to do with, for example, motorists respecting the exclusive areas of pedestrian crossing, and the cycle paths, through which cyclists travel, with respect for the maximum and minimum speeds of circulation on routes, streets, between others.
For their part, pedestrians also have to comply with rules when they circulate on the streets, especially crossing where appropriate and respecting their turn to cross. Many traffic accidents are linked to this, that pedestrians do not cross the way they should and are then run over by unsuspecting motorists.
Elements that add to security
Also within road safety we must include all those elements that influence its increase, such as posters indicators that anticipate dangerous crossings or curves and the components that cars have in this matter such as: brakes, lights, airbag, seat belt, among the most important.
No to using cell phones because they are distracting
And we must not overlook the importance of attention by both pedestrians and motorists. The absence of this, especially answering messages and answering telephone calls, has been the cause of many road accidents.
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