Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Apr. 2010
Written or spoken expression that expresses various issues
The concept that concerns us has a special importance at the level of communication since it is a expression written or spoken, generally brief and that composes a pragmatic unit that can express an order, an idea, an advice, a wish and even a truth. As a consequence, they can have a negative, exclamatory, wishful, imperative, doubtful or affirmative meaning. And of course each statement has the mission of referring something and will be manifested by a speaker who will use linked and ordered words in sentences
At the behest of the Pragmatics, which is that part of the Linguistics which deals with how context influences the interpretation of meaning, An utterance is that minimal speech act generally composed of a sentence or some expression shorter than a sentence, which can express the content of a proposition, command, wish, among other alternatives. Then the statement will be subject to factors contextual
Exclamations, sentences or any other linguistic expression are realizations of enunciation, because they will be expressed through a linguistic form in a certain context linguistic; and the same form can present different interpretations, adopting, in some cases an ironic sense, while in others, it can express a sense totally contrary to what it literally expresses, then, according to these two uses, we will have sentences different.
The limit or end of each statement will be decreed by the change in the discursive subjects, or in other words by the alternation in the speakers.
Every statement, whether it corresponds to a brief daily dialogue like the one we have with a friend or family member, a investigation scientific or novel will have a concrete beginning and end. At the beginning there will be the statements of the other interlocutorAfter the end, the answer statements will appear, or failing that, the silences that have to do with giving room to the understanding of the statement expressed by our interlocutor.
Set of words that exposes a problem or question
Another use of the term refers to the set of words with which a mathematical problem or any other question is exposed or proposed. The math test was complicated by the statement of one of the exercises that I really had a hard time understanding.
We must make the difference between statement and sentence, because they are not the same, although their terms are used interchangeably frequently. The statement is the gender and the sentence would be the spice since every sentence constitutes a sentence but there are sentences that are phrases and not sentences.
Their use is widespread in countless sciences and disciplines, for example, in mathematics they are very popular when it comes to describing problems that demand a resolution. The theorems are just presented in statements.
One of the most popular in this matter is that of Pythagoras whose sentence statement: in every triangle rectangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse will be equal to the sum of the squares of the legs.
It is also important that we mention that the more precise the statement, the simpler its interpretation and understanding will be and will allow us to find the solution in question.
On the other hand, logic also uses statements or propositions, as they are also called, on a recurring basis. In this case then the statements are sentences that may be true or false. From there you can arrive at the logic reasoning, main purpose of logic.
And also the statements serve us in life to expose, pose problems of any kind not only associated with a science as we have already seen.