Fruit Example In English
English / / July 04, 2021
English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, so it is important to have a wide vocabulary, which will help us to function easily anywhere in the world. world. For this reason, some examples of fruits in English and its application in some sentences.
80 examples of fruits in English translated:
1. Apple = Apple.
2. Pear = Pear.
3. Peach = Peach.
4. Guava = Guava.
5. Melon = Cantaloupe.
6. Papaya = Papaw.
7. Watermelon = Watermelon.
8. Banana = Banana.
9. Lime = Lime.
10. Lemon = Lemon.
11. Orange = Orange.
12. Grapefruit = Grapefruit.
13. Tangerine = Tangerine.
14. Plum = Plum.
15. Walnut = Nut.
16. Almond = Almond.
17. Strawberry = Strawberry.
18. Cherry = Cherry.
19. Raspberry = Raspberry.
20. Pineapple = Pineapple.
21. Pumpkin = Pumpkin.
22. Coco = Coconut.
23. Cucumber = Cucumber.
24. Grape = Grape.
25. Blackberry = Blackberry.
26. Prune = Prune.
27. Pass = Raisin.
28. Tamarind = Tamarind.
29. Blackberry = Mulberry.
30. Blueberry = Blueberry.
31. Pomegranate = Pomegranate.
32. Currant = Currant.
33. Apricot = Apricot.
34. Date = Date.
35. Quince = Fifteen.
36. Medlar = Medlar.
37. Khaki = Persimmond.
38. Chestnut = Chestnut.
39. Hazelnut = Hazelnut.
40. Kiwi = Kiwi.
41. Morello cherry = Morello cherry.
42. Black currant = Black currant.
43. Chrimoya = Cherimoya.
44. Perón = Peron.
45. Shank = Reed.
46. Jicama = Jicama.
47. Mamey = Mamey.
48. Black sapodilla = Black sapodilla.
49. Nectarine = Nectarine.
50. Fig = Fig.
51. Mango = Mango.
52. Lychee = Lychee.
53. Carambola = Starfruit.
54. Tomato = Tomatoe.
55. Potato = Potato.
56. Broccoli = Broccoli.
57. Garlic = Garlic.
58. Carrot = Carrot.
59. Lettuce = Lettuce.
60. Peas = Peas.
61. Red pepper = Red pepper.
62. Leek = Leek.
63. Cabbage = Cabagge.
64. Turnip = Turnip.
65. Green pepper = Green pepper.
66. Betabel = Beet.
67. Cauliflower = Cauliflower.
68. Eggplant = Eggplant.
69. Celery = Celery.
70. Mushroom = Mushroom.
71. Broad beans = Fava bean.
72. Spinach = Spinach.
73. Zucchini = Zuchini.
74. Asparagus = Asparagus.
75. Avocado = Avocado.
76. Passion fruit = Passion fruit.
77. Quinoto = Kumquat fruit.
78. Pomelo = Pomelo fruit.
79. Pistache = Pistachio.
80. Peanuts = Penauts.
10 examples of sentences with fruits in English:
1. Manzana is my favorite fruit = The apple is my favorite fruit.
2. Tangerine is very good in november = The mandarin is very good in November.
3. I really don't like oranges= I really don't like oranges.
4. If you have the flu, you should drink lemon juice = If you have the flu, you should drink lemon juice.
5. You should try your fish with garlic, is very good = You should try your garlic fish, it is very good.
6. Mango is my favorite fruit since I was little = Mango is my favorite fruit since I was little.
7. An Manzana a day, keeps the doctor away = An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.
8. Peach juice is very good for blood circulation = Peach juice is very good for blood circulation.
9. I usually have a banana for breakfast = I usually eat a banana for breakfast.
10. Avocado is a fruit that all mexicans love = Avocado is a fruit that all Mexicans like.