Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2009
The term 'educational'is used as an adjective to refer to all those processes, events and situations related to one of the most important phenomena of Humanity: the education. The condition of 'educational' is one that implies the existence of educational elements applicable to individuals with a training objective in numerous senses. For example, him education system It is the system established on the basis of an organized education and established by the governments of each country.
Educational are then all the phenomena, processes and links that are established through education and that Their objective is the transmission and passage of knowledge, experiences, ideas and values from an issuer to a receiver. Normally, the term educational or educational relate to the teaching systems-learning established by the States since these are the most clearly organized and delimited not only around their objects of study but also their methodologies, ends and modes of
evaluation. The official educational system is also organized in different stages that are specially designed to order knowledge throughout the life of an individual.However, educational can also be a situation in which any person makes a certain transfer of knowledge, skills or traditions towards another individual without such an event being specially defined or consciously carried out. For example, a typical educational situation that falls outside the official education system may be when a mother teaches her son to use silverware, or when a musical band transmits ideas to her group of followers through their art. In this way, educational situations can easily be positive but also negative since everything that a human being receives from the environment and apprehends has an effect on the building from his personality and identity.
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