Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Ago. 2009
The Gospel is for Christianity one of the most important elements since it represents the set of writings that tell Christians about the life experiences of Jesus, as well as the principles of Christianity and death of Jesus. The gospels officially recognized by Catholic Christians are four: those written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These gospels are called canonical and are part of what is known as the second part of the Bible or New Testament. It is assumed that throughout history there were thousands of gospels written that have not been recognized as official.
The gospels or gospel writings (as they are also known) relate the events between the birth and death of Jesus. They are, therefore, of immense importance for Christians to be able to learn and learn about the different works of the Savior. Events detailed throughout these four gospels may include the birth and baptism of Jesus, the acceptance of his destiny and the establishment of the apostles and disciples (those who would accompany him during his journey), his miracles and his works, the entrance to Jerusalem and the events there until the Crucifixion, his death and resurrection, as well as his ascension to the side of the Mister.
The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke are considered to be the three most similar to each other, having dated approximately between the year 70 and 100, 68 and 73, and 80 and 100 respectively. The Gospel of John is considered dated between the year 90 and 100. Of course, each of these four gospels show a particular way of representing the life and work of Jesus: while in the case of Matthew Jesus is represented as the realization of the Hebrew prophecies, in the case of Mark Jesus appears as a man with great power emotional. In the Gospel of Luke he is given special attention to conception that Jesus had of the poor as well as the importance of preaching. Finally, that of John is the gospel that shows us Jesus as the very incarnation of the Word of God.
Gospel Topics