Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Francisco Cano, on Oct. 2014
We can see in bold the insertion of code PHP inside code HTMLThis is called embedded or embedded code in computer science.
The acronym PHP comes from the English language and means Personal Home Page which when translated means personal home page. Normally web pages are made with hypertext code (a code that allows you to have links in the words to other sites of Internet or on other sites, from the same page that is being read). In the case of PHP this code can be intrude between the HTML or hypertext code, it is best to see a small example.
It is used because it is a very easy code to learn and it's free. Many people learn it because it is highly sought after for the creation of corporate websites as well as personal ones, it nevertheless requires some knowledge of computing basics, especially HTML code. It is compulsorily incorporated into web page servers and can produce various colored effects animations on the pages. movement of certain elements etc. The visual effects that are achieved can be very simple or straightforward to complete animations such as those that sometimes appear on the main page of google. With these effects a more attractive personal page visualization is achieved although it also slows down the loading of the web page, you have to use this
tool with wisdom and not "fatten" our work on a website too much to later discover that many people cannot access the site correctly because a page does not load well when entering it.The first to use this type of code was the Danish-Canadian Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994, among other things, he used it to put a counter on his website to see how many visits he got, this caught the attention of some web page owners who asked Rasmus for permission to put his code on their own pages. Seeing the success Rasmus was expanding the range of possibilities of PHP, he also published some tools for anyone who wanted to use his code, until today. Being open source many people have contributed to the improvement of the code, these people are part of a community for the development of this particular code.
Today any Web page that has dynamic elements or in other words animations, we can be sure that it is made with PHP code.
Themes in PHP