Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jan. 2011
In the same way that the number exists singular in the language To designate the amount of one only in the nouns, there is also the plural number that refers to the nouns that are expressed in a quantity greater than one. The plural term can also be used when mentioning situations in which the intervention of two or more people or objects is central, for example when it is said that the opinion it is plural, which means that it is shared by all or most of the subjects that are spoken of.
In language, nouns are the terms used to designate things, objects, phenomena, both real and virtual or abstract, they are not qualifications that are made on those objects (that is, they are not adjectives) nor are they actions (verbs). Nouns can be presented in two ways: in quantity of one or in quantity of several. In the first case we are talking about singular nouns that refer to a single element (for example, when it is said the dog). They can also, however, be presented in a quantity greater than one, that is, in the plural (as when it is said, following the same example,
dogs).Obviously, this difference between the plural and the singular goes through elements that are added to the word to distinguish one number from the other. This distinction can be made from the addition of letters (such as the s or the union of is in Spanish), by changing the word or by the repetition the same as some non-Indo-European languages tend to do.
The plural term, following this idea of something that is more than one, is also used to refer to those things that are shared by many (for example, the form of think plural) and here then the concept of plural ceases to be an adjective of quantity to become a qualifying adjective.
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